Tom Segura

8  2018-09-28 by maynardsabeast

I hate stand up comedy. I legitimately think that the "art form" sucks. It's oversaturated and has lost all its luster and charm. I truly hate it. With that said I think Tom Segura is 1 of maybe like 4 comedians who are actually good at it and really funny. How does this sub feel about him? I've never heard anyone rip him or talk shit about him which is a good sign but I also feel like he deserves to be venerated like an entrepreneur. When you talk about the combination of podcasts, standup, and then general social media and just being a person I think Segura is easily one of the 5-10 funniest people in the world. By no means does he deserve to be legend status like Norm, Chapelle, and Colin but I think he's second tier where he's not a deity or god but he's in a tier with the likes of Mullen and Soder. Guys that deserve the smallest amount of hate from a place that brings the hate better then the rest



I don't understand but I'm confident that it's positive and in No way disrespectful to myself or Mr. Segura

I'm a big fan of the water champ's podcast. On the other, I haven't seen much of his stand up so really no clue.

I don’t think it’s as good as his podcast, thanks jeans

He's fucking good. Like I said I hate stand up. I get no enjoyment out of watching it. I know too much about it, I know all their gay little tricks and am exhausted seeing it and hearing these queers wax poetically about "the art", I've seen too much of it and can't even enjoy it from comics that I actually like. With all of that said though Segura is genuinely good at it. He's just a funny dude. Watch his latest special on Netflix next time you have downtime, you'll be thanking me

Segura is pretty damn good.

He’s a great Japanese comedian

Besides this shill quality post. I have no idea who this Tom Segura guy is. But I do know Mullen sucks.

God forbid someone expresses that they like a thing. They then Become a shill And of course a capital F Faggot. Also saying Mullen sucks is fucking dumb

You seem like a lowercase faggot.

Legit good one. Bodied me

He fuckin boomed you

I like his podcast a lot with his wife but I’ve never been a big fan of his stand up

Stanhope, Mullen and Soder

Gold, midget piss, and Muppet piss aren't the same kind of thing.

I don't understand how anyone can hate Mullen. That dude is hilarious. I can understand if you don't like Cumtown cause of Adam or especially cause of the fat greek but Nick is just a beast on that show. Makes me laugh more than anyone. His 2 hours of cumtown per week usually includes multiple "lols". He's just riff city all day every day and comes up with funnier shit than most comics fully fleshed out standup bits that they work for years on. Sometimes it's impressively clever or smart and sometimes it's literally the stupidest and most immature things a person can say but either way it's very very funny

Mullen's stand up is undeveloped but he's a goddamn retarded ass riff machine who consistently strikes gold on radio and podcasts.

Link please

Well it's a good thing standup fucking sucks and life is all about broadcasting

I was gonna name some riffs and bits I particularly enjoyed but there's too many. I lol like 7 times per episode. It would be some of the greatest comedy on any platform ever if it weren't for stavros being such an insufferable, unfunny, annoying piece of shit every single episode. I don't understand why everyone likes Stav and hates Adam. Adam is useful and has thick skin. Stavros laughs uncontrollably and annoyingly at fucking everything to the point where some people can't even stand to listen. His only contribution to the show is telling nick that "he loves that bit" and then literally 10x per episode singing song parodies about being gay and suckinfndick. It's fucking awful. Singing song parodies is the lowest form of comedy. It's something every person does. Literally people do that while they cook and play with their pets. The lamest person you've ever met sings song parodies to themselves. It's the worst and it's the only thing he ever does. It makes me cringe

How much coke and/or speed did you do tonight.

Or if you’re having a manic episode, that’s alright too. You’re going to be ok.

Also, try it out

I don’t really find Soder and Mullen funny as a stand-up. Soder’s recent special never made me laugh. But yeah, whenever they are within a group conversation, they are always the funniest.

He's great. His standup is great. His podcast is great. Try it out.

Excuse me but WHAT THE FUCK do you mean "try it out". Are you tryna get cute with me you fucking CUNT? Seriously I JUST FUCKING SAID he's hilarious. How dare you imply that I've never watched his stuff. Are you trying to make an enemy for life? Are you trying to get beat up? Seriously bro, watch your fucking tone and your sarcastic little quips around me cause IM NOT THE ONE son

Sorry. I thought you were a hardcore guy.

Did you not see my reply? It doesn't get more hardcore than that

I wouldn't say I'm a sweetheart. I'm more of a hot,white trash, cum dump.

So to are we all


His 3 Netflix specials are really good and only get better than the last. Been listening to YMH recently and the only mark against his character is that he's good friends with Bert Kreischer.

Piss on me, beat me, try it out. I'mhomerightnow.

only get better than the last.

No. They get a little worse but they're still good. His 1st netflix special is by far his best.

I saw him live and he was really good, which was surprising because the LA comedy buddies he runs with are all atrocious. Looks like he has two podcasts, which one is worth subscribing to, or are both worth a shot?

Your MomS House seems to be pretty well liked and funny. I've heard a lot of funny clips but honestly don't subscribe. I'm not even sure why I don't subscribe. In fact I'm gonna go ahead and subscribe right now. It's with his wife which sounds like the kiss of death but she's actually pretty chill for a broad and all

He’s really good—funny and likeable. But let’s get serious here, Bert Kreischer fucking stinks.

Berts probably a swell guy to hang with. But yeah, his comedy is pretty damn lackluster and the taking off the shirt shtick is unbelievably unfunny and just makes me uncomfortable

Id only hang out with him because he seems like the desperate for attention guy at the bar who will buy you booze if you talk with him.

Marc normand

Agreed. I was gonna list him but recalled people hating on him here. A lot of people think he's a liar cause they can't believe that a semi famous man can easily get a lot of puss on the road and in NYC. Him and his completely believable stories being called into question by ugly slobs on this depression sub

Dude is charming af and i could see him being sly with the ladies.His podcast with list is pretty entertaining .

Yeah I shouldn't have left him off because a few nerds can't believe that he gets laid sometimes. He's definitely on that tier

He has the perfect personality for one night stands. Too bad his dickhole is full of shit.

In defense of the incels who post here, one of the stories he told that they couldn't believe was that he lost his virginity to a prostitute in New Orleans when he was in high school. Fucking Liar!

Oh and he recorded himself jerking off and no longer has the tape. Fucking braggart liar!

Never heard of him but his name sounds stupid.

I like Segura. He's in an okay tier of comedian where you'd watch it to fill time. His past standups aren't bad. I also like Gary Gulman, so what do I know.

He laughs really hard when people get hurt, he's a good egg

I like Segura, but now want to hate him because you got all gushy about him.

“2nd tier not quite a deity or god...” I hope you don’t revere any of these contemporary as people who created the sun.

Don't let all these absolute maggots (bert, that one dyke with the glasses, etc.) ruin standup. theres always been talentless bandwagon hopping dickheads trying to get theirs. it is pretty fucking terrible right now though, my god

It's not just the shit ones. Even the guys I like I can't get too into anymore. A major problem is every comedian in a mad dash to (A) follow the Louis standard of 1 special per year and (2) rushing to put them out for that sweet sweet Netflix money. They're so much better off waiting every 2-5 years if they care about their legacy and quality

Agreed, also that they usually become spineless from the comfort of success. Even watching Norm on The View was painful

You need to kill yourself

You're boring and if we had a "suicide contest" I guarantee you would be the far better candidate for doing it

Do ya

You’re all fucking retards with no taste

I love these kind of comments. This is where I ask what you like and you don't answer

I like really obscure stuff. Stuff you’ve probably never heard of.

He's one of the only LA comics I enjoy but dont want to see him on here cause inevitably one of you fucks will find something about him to hate and I will have to quit listening to his podcast.

I like that he is not racist and openly supports democratic causes.

Cool bit you're doing here. Not a waste of time at all.

Christine ain’t funny and only has mommies at her shows because no one else would laugh at her stupid YMH references

God forbid someone expresses that they like a thing. They then Become a shill And of course a capital F Faggot. Also saying Mullen sucks is fucking dumb