Do not anger Our God lest you destroy us all

248  2018-09-27 by nomobjustice


snakes in the grass, Ope. Should have cut their heads off when you had the chance but instead you went to bat for them. Sabean and Tom wanted the worm gone but you saved him. Opie is great.

Fuck the Worm

Fools sure can't help themselves when it comes to rocking the boat.

Ant and Jim have proven the old saying true - "Give a beggar a horse and he'll ride it straight to hell."

I always thought that of the trio, Opie was by far the funniest and most quickwitted.

Me too

And he doesn't touch kids or traps.

Norton doesn’t touch traps either. He likes men in dresses.

As far as we know...

Who would touch a trap....that's just foolhardy.

Joe Derosa

reading this shit hurts my soul

The other two practically ripped off his persona

Opie was a smart guy pretending to be dumb, while the others were fucking idiots pretending to be law scholars.

The revisionist history is annoying.

Opie was always a dumb guy. Anthony and Jim were/are dumb too.

Thats the BIT, you DOPE!

None of them were bad in their prime.

Now they're all washed up, Opie has made out better than the rest. He's probably just as bitter as the rest of them but in classic Opester fashion he pretends like he's the eternal goodnatured guy we all know he isn't. He's a fucking phony just like the rest of them, he's a seething cunt underneath the nonchalant Twitter veneer.

Real Nigga Hughes aint giving no fucks about these bitch ass hoe ass faggot ass niggas

Greg could of taken the easy life as a make model but decided to help out 2 high school dropouts get a radio career.

Was a math genius NBA prospect as well

Bra model also.

No, Coke paid him six figures to advertise with his classic 6 foot hot look all-American man.


U wanna suck em?

I hear he used to work for the mafia too

ME: I can't really talk about that though. But they took care of me. That'll all I'll say.

Guy doesn’t divulge secrets either. Holy shot were we wrong about him.

He could shoot the lights out he just lacked size

But he didn't find Uncle Paul funny, so fuck him!

I mean, how long has this guy been doing radio? A few years, right?

I'm conflicted. I like Opie hitting back at those two pieces of shit, but I also liked him in obscurity, ignoring this sub, and going away forever.

Wow. Opie is my favorite of the three now.

Really the only thing he has to do is avoid talking about how he knows things and telling people to leave it alone. He's not a drunk or a dry drunk and he doesn't fuck kids or prostitutes, when he's not arguing like a psychotic woman he's the most genuinely relatable of the three.

Dude if he starts replying on twitter to all the haters to leave it alone I'd love him so much more.

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Opie is back in full destroyer mode

Enjoy your children and someday grandchildren as you grow old in a warm, loving familt, Opester. Your former compadres are headed to a grim and lonely end.

this is steering into church of opie territory and I'm about to jump ship

Keep your head on a swivel, faggot. There's sharks in those waters.

A real believer would've called me lambchop, you're probably a Sam Roberts fan

The door is over there you traitor

Volcano god opie

Opie has been completely vindicated over the last 4 years. If you want proof of his value, look at how shitty Jim and Ant are without him.

Oh please. So what DID he do?

fake, opie has no balls, only tits

balls so big they had to start going to his tits

The self made millionaire likes to take that wealth and enjoy himself, nothing wrong with that.

I miss our captain

Op captain my captain...

Opie made these two dumbfucks millionaires and they hate him for it. What a world.

Yeah but sometimes he would interrupt their jokes they've already told 15+ times!

Haha that's great /u/SheGonGetIt but Larry The Trucker wants to add in his thoughts, you're on Larry

People have a habit of growing to resent their caretakers and feel "stuck" in their miserable life because they know they never really earned it.

Just look at niggers in the US or the goatfuckers in Europe.

Lesser beings tend to resent their benevolent evolutionary superiors as tyranical oppressors because they themselves lack that "divine spark".

Same concept


Go back to /r/mde you hack

I've been here for years.

You seem upset when presented with facts. You okay, bro?

Brad Pitt felt bad for the survivors of a hurricane, so he used his own money to build affordable housing in New Orleans. Years later, the recipients of his generosity are suing him because they don't like their homes.

No good deed goes unpunished.

Opie knows when to “leave it alone” when it comes to minors.

fuck man this shit got me good haha

Neither one has been that funny without him.

I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.

He answered the phones. Literally nobody else could answer phones like him, nobody.

Opie should rein it in a little bit. The Destroyer is ridin' high, brothamen.

There's nothing that can make me go all in with this Opie love.

Exactly. I’ll be glad when this faggotry has passed and all the closet Tits fans lose the faux support of the bit guys and have to slither back under their titty rocks

never gonna happen


If you actually believe that, you don’t know this place very well

The bit has lasted longer than I thought it would. For some it has transitioned from bit to reality, which upsets me.

Opieradio was better than any other post o and a abomination

Opie responding to someone who clearly browses this sub just confirms it. The opester is one of us now.


Jimmy and Anthony are unfunny, cum slurping queens.

Opie is a fuckin red blooded american male with a dick and a pair of balls that get stiff from the female body of proper age. Not lady boy manlets and vikings in wigs. Fucking 2 faggots

This is the most stunning face turn since Steve Austin in Wrestlemania 13. #TEAMOPIE


Fucking lol

I get that everyone's all pro-Opie now but the last SEVRAL years of OA&J were terrible. If that was "steering the ship" it was straight through the Bermuda triangle, amirite?

Hard to steer a ship with a wormy anchor constantly dropping itself in the water.

Its pretty crazy how we're only realizing now that that the Opester really did know how to run a great radio show. Ant and Jim had their chances to prove they could do the same and its not even a competition. He kind of was a radio genius.

Ant could have never put together a show. Jim was busy smelling Florentine's used condoms. The Destroyer's name is first for a reason. Bend the knee Sam Rogers, Worm & Nana. Also, put an apple in fat Roland's mouth and poke him with a sharp stick and spin him over a fire.


So going to snoooooooowwwaaay should be praised? Stop ballwashing this faggot.

I don't see Denny.

Why can't Opie just embrace the fact that he had the necessary skills to squeeze funny out of 2 crybaby queens?


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Contradicts the numerous times he’d refer to himself as the point guard of the show, but god damn is he striking while whilr the getting is good and the focus is on the worn and nana

You fools, look what have you done! Don't you realize Opie has connections with the Mafia? Connectionzzz

he should be proud of that, it's far from belittling.

He did also point out that he took no offense whatsoever to the SS Brothaman artwork.

balls so big they had to start going to his tits

The self made millionaire likes to take that wealth and enjoy himself, nothing wrong with that.

ME: I can't really talk about that though. But they took care of me. That'll all I'll say.