"Ain't no bitch ass niggas on the Supreme Court" - Clarence Thomas

0  2018-09-27 by crookedmile

This motherfucker needs to stop crying


I agree it's bad optics but tell us how you react the next time some mental cunt tries to ruin your life with 'recovered' memories and vague unprovable accusations of serious sexual assault.

Pimps don't cry. This is fucking embarrassing


The left love working on emotions, it could work for him.

No. White male tears make them laugh. They are hypocritical scum

That's what this is all about. Their hatred of white men.

(((the left))) amirite?

The guy is a modest family man getting rung through the liberal leftist peverted sex mud puddle. He embarrassed and hurt and has kids at home who've had to hear this shit.

Or: you're stupid.

Which could it be?

It can be both.


Boy that woman with the hyphenated name sure isn't a looker! Am I rite?!

“When your right your right” - jimmy altieri

Clarence "The Unspeaking Conservative Black Fag" Thomas

“When it come to daughters (and old whores), all bets are off” - Tony Soprano

“Man this Kavanaugh nigga a real pussy ass nigga, crying and shit.” — Clarence Thomas