Bill Cosby Had A Stale Hot Dog Bun Thrown At Him; Fell Down A Few Steps On His First Day In Jail

0  2018-09-27 by TangerineReam


Imtirn on whether this is sad, funny, or both.

Let me help you out.

It's funny.


It's sad that he drugged and raped all those broads. It's sad that his legacy is over. It's sad that he's now in jail and its ending like this. But in a small way, its also funny.

It's funny that he drugged and raped all those broads. It's funny that his legacy is over. It's funny that he's now in jail and its ending like this. But in a small way, its also sad.


You asshole...

poor bill cosby

Imagine being so frail that a hot dog bun could knock you down a flight of stairs

Oh as if he's being treated badly in prison. Unless it was an Aryan Nation dude most of the guys in there are high fiving him.

“And then my shoes fell off!”

"The worst part is the hypocrisy" - Patton Oswalt, medication overdose expert

I don't think that was the worst part.

I dont understand why people with unlimited money don't just pack it up and get the fuck out of dodge. The first smatterings of possibly being charged with a crime I'd move somewhere they couldn't extradite. Especially at that age. I'd rather be assumed guilty and free than found guilty and locked in a cage. Especially in the MeToo era. Roman Polanski is a piece of shit but has a brain.

The only place that doesn't have extradition treaties with the US are places like Somalia and Venezuela.

Roman Polanski is getting "artist's treatment" from the French, who don't consider black people worth a shit.

If he was a deposed African dictator with BILLIONS, Cosby and the French government could have come to an arrangement.


Cuba doesn't have extradition with the US, does it? That'd probably be fine.