Parents with better traditional family values than The Cumia’s. 1/20

49  2018-09-27 by OpieEatsBoogers


I just watched a miniseries the other day where McNulty from The Wire played Fred West. It was pretty good.

There’s a mini-series? Just watched a 3 part UK doc on YouTube. What’s the mini-series called?

Think its called appropriate adult. Its more about how he was interviewed and the relationship he had with someone who worked on the legal side of things.


Yeah, what Dennyislife said. Its on Amazon Prime.

I’m stupid: Who are these decent-looking folks?

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And you are correct: They are far better people than the Cumia brothers.

When Bill Letts discovered Rose's prostitution, he would also visit to have sex with his daughter.


He looks like an Englishman alright.


I live across the road from where they used to live

Really? That case is so fucked up.

Yeah the house doesn’t exist anymore they destroyed everything it’s a public walkway/park now

Yeah I saw that in the doc I watched on the case. It’s crazy how they both were charge with raping a teen and pled to a lesser charge which allowed them to continue raping, murdering, torturing women and their own kids.

Their grandson recently got arrested for similar traits in the crimes he committed so may get the West’s V2.

This guys sounds like a real jerk!

Why didn't you stop them, cuntface?

I live across the road from where they used to live


He looks like Murr from impractical jokers.

Already been done, stupid. Don't be such a Norton

Sorry I work at Panera and can’t follow the antics of this sub 24/7.

Fred West is most likely Sam Robert’s father.