Sirius does NOT want to own the IP rights to Chip. They just want Jimmy to stop putting all of his energy and effort into producing the Chip podacast and putting absolutely none into the radio show they pay him alot to do. So they've asked him to stop doing Chip unless it's on their show

272  2018-09-27 by antchya

Of course, baby boy is creating a false narrative that they want to steal Chip from him when all they really want him to do is finally act like he wants to host a radio show. Sirius just thinks he should stop treating his radio show like an annoying side hustle that funds his Chip passion project.


Your account sounds more accurate. I imagine the IP rights narrative was exaggerated by ol' Wormy himself.

He puts no energy or effort into that show either. Have they watched the fucking thing!?

Compared to his effort on the Sirius show? Yes.

You can't get blood from a stone.

That's also true

Unless you try to pass it through your kidneys

The guests are being recycled from The Jay Thomas show, when Christina was the lead producer and guest booker. I liked Jay's show, but his guests were always terrible. I suspect terrible on purpose.

Wow,look at all that effort. That bit would put J&S right to the top if it was on Sirius. Now I get why they want that level of hilarity & hard work on their platform. I guess I was wrong. Jim still has it but is squirreling it away for the podacast.

I loved Jay because he knew his show was terrible and didnt care. I loved it and I love and miss him. RIP

I don't buy into that sentiment. Because couldn't the same argument be made for Jim? Or even Ron?

Yeah i didnt really elaborate like I should have. Jay was mean to everyone from callers to the people that worked on his show because he never gave a shit. It was great. He never even tried to feign giving a shit. He just didnt at all. It made the show better. It was pretty entertaining sometimes.

Yeah I watched the first few episodes but it got old real quick, I didn't even know he was still doing it.

It was honestly okay for a few episodes. Not that good but watchable. Now I have no fucking interest in it

The first couple episodes were under 30 minutes with just Chin and Kumiya. Now they're over an hour and there's half a dozen people onscreen at once. Unwatchable.

It would also be a good tactic to get rid of the asshole.

Why would they do that? You think they have some sort of chip on their shoulder or sumthin?

That humor is SO 2013

how grody

This is what I was waiting for. I can finally cum

Oh valley jim

Try 2008

2000 and late.

We don't make baby noises here, brothaman.

Awww shiiiittt.. Swimwalk!

It would also be a good tactic to get rid of the asshole.

Seems like this is a recurring issue that SiriusXM seems to have over and over again every few years on this channel.

Be more redundant

Be more redundant

Oh, you! C'mere! Tussles your penis

Sirius XM is crossing their fingers that Jim films someone in the restroom or goes on a racist tirade using social media. Always go with tried and true.

films someone in the restroom

He was framed.

Let Jim invent another character. How about "Gropey"...based on a couple of people he used to work for?

I'm totally respectful, dude. I never make anyone who works for me feel uncomfortable, ever. Honestly.

Anthony and Jim both did that. Treated the real show as an annoyance and their side project was the real deal. Look how it turned out for anthony.

Im saying they both slurp cum like raw oysters

Im saying they both slurp cum like raw oysters

Good point

Fucking Starving.....

Earl, we got any cum eating raw oysters back there?

Fresh out, ya ssssscuuumbbbaaagggg!

Black Earl Norton is the worst

I'd honestly tell ya if we were out, Boss. I mean that genuinely.

Intern butt stain says we have some clams.....Do yuh?

"Oh, Bajimmy, will you ever win?!"

Jimmy is too busy staring at his phone

Turned out terrific for Anthony. Haha he's having the time of his life haha and we hate that haha!

To obscurity with thee, har har!

They're both side projects. This idiot never had pride in his work. Which should have been standup.

He has legitimately gone out of his way to not study the greats before him or those of his current successful and great peers. What other industry would that make any sense? He really is a incompetent boob.

Jim feels the walls closing in with his chip character and this elaborate story is how he is trying to worm his way out of it.

I honestly wonder if Sirius even cares about Chip one way or other and this is all just Baby Boy trying to drum up interest before they go ahead and sign.

"Jim, we'd really like you to make it through your three hour shift without eating or taking a shit."


This is the lifestyle change he is referring to. Not being able to have to shit or piss "desperately " every day all while derailing the show

Surprised I've never heard Norton whine about theater chains having high prices on concessions since they know it's impossible to sit through a 90 minute movie without eating and drinking something. Fucking scumbags!

He hasn't seen it. Doesn't want it to influence him

(Seriously he's never mentioned going to the movies outside of SiriusXM special event screenings where he is treated special)

Someone needs to tell him that Chip is completely played out. Enough already.


How dare his employer ask him to put in some effort.


I don't understand. You guys always act like taking a tone of authority about everything when the only thing you actually know about is fucking Sabbath isn't show prep.

Jim doesn't want to do the radio show. But if he said he was ready to retire, he'd be admitting he is old. By turning this into a (dumb) fight with management, he can pretend he is still a young radio rebel.

Radio Rebel is the Citizen Kane of movies.

This post doesn't have enough mustard on its whites.

are you just making this up or was this just talked about on air?

baby boy is creating a false narrative flag operation

baby boy is creating a false narrative flag operation

Mind control!


I was a governor and Navy SEAL.

Thank you for your service

How about

"Put more effort into the show or you're fired."

You shouldn't have to negotiate with an employee. They do what you tell them to do or they get the boot.

Regular Joe is a character worth fighting over.

hey what do i know, i just show up with my tupperware container of eggs and then i hide in the bathroom all day

You got your coins, your nordic trannies, yor Black Sabbath tshirt, and you go about your business

Ay from your mouth to God's ears, that's what I always say

Its called leverage you dick suckin idiot

They have to walk on wormholes with Norton. Lotta problems in that apartment.

I've never seen 'Chip Chipperson' feign interest browsing his phones on his show. Then again I've seen very little of the 'Chip Chipperson Show' so maybe I'm wrong.

you and I both know that Chip Chipperson should be gassed

"You're not a fan of Chip Chipperson?" GOAT LAUGH

Chip is an absolute embarrassment so he should probably just stop it altogether

The fact he's bitching about it on air says he's not in a position of strength

shoulda hit the little tiny foam-covered purple weights harder

It's funny how he's been talking about pull ups for years when I'd guarantee he can't do 5+

This statement oozes with accuracy.

ME: Good morning lambchops

Fake and gay.

Worm baby is too afraid to leave his cushy check at Sirius and sign with Anthony where he could do the show everyone REALLY wants to hear, and still do the Chip show on the same network. Give people something for the fucking $9 a month. Ant could still do his racist shit on infowars and maybe even his own weekly crap. It just makes too much sense for Worm boy to take the risk.

Moving to Cum Pound media is not a good move for Yimmy. It’ll offend his celebrity friends

the show everyone REALLY wants to hear

Several years ago maybe. They team up weekly for Chip and nobody cares anymore. Highly dubious The A + J Show (featuring Dave Landau) would move the needle beyond providing hate commentary for the sub. The only way to get the bulk of the original fan-base following earnestly again would be a complete reunion show on an actual radio network including The Opester, which is never going to happen, with all the mutual shit slinging, and the decline of the medium. Anthony's viewership is now comprised mostly of middle-aged mafia cosplayers. I don't even know what would constitute a Jim Norton fan nowadays. If joined together at this juncture, they would only multiply their faults.

CP Media is career suicide.

Which is why pure selfishness and greed guiding a career path makes for good theater or mockumentaries befitting worm-like behavior.

Jim going to Compound Media was and still is the smart move, despite the hate machines objection. Even Gregg told him that in a moment of clarity.

Whichever the case - it's none of their business. They could just as well argue the same for his standup content.

They should just tell him to kick rocks shit dick and read about his suicide.

They should give Jim every demand in exchange he has to leave his iphone with the receptionist before each show. He'd quit on the spot.

But are Disney interested in the IP? They could expand it into a very boring and bland UNIVERSE.

either that or they want a cut from the money he makes doing chip, a character he developed on their platform.

Sirius doesn't want to own the rights to Sam and Jim's show either.

Chip worked when he had a setup guy like Opie the Radio God, or Ant.

Exactly. Chiming in at the perfect time with a funny comment or put down was Nortons specialty--hosting and moderating is not his strong suit because he's too serious and it comes off desperate and unfunny.

they already dropped enough clues on the air to figure it out. Sirius wants to own a piece of chip cause norton developed the character on their platform.

You know so much.

If Jimmy is telling the truth and it's not another hacky ray dee ohh bit, I don't blame him. Unless it's a long, long term deal - permanently signing away IP or a percentage in perpetuity to a side project you own wholly is insane.

who gets the rights to shinkle???? UNCLE PAUL?

This is basic exclusivity stuff. Any corp. has the right to say he can't do another podcast for another company. I'm pretty sure the UFC podcast is because UFC is on Sirius. Sirius has Norton locked up as far as hosting or co-hosting a regular radio show or podcast.

He is outraged that the company won't bent to his absurd needs, hosting a show as Chip is his little legal loophole and even then he's pissed they're calling him out on doing it and flaking on his own responsibilities.

Tss tss IP? Tss tsss oh yeah, well I took a fuckin dump tss tss dvv dvv

Why would they do that? You think they have some sort of chip on their shoulder or sumthin?

you and I both know that Chip Chipperson should be gassed

It would also be a good tactic to get rid of the asshole.

Seems like this is a recurring issue that SiriusXM seems to have over and over again every few years on this channel.


You got your coins, your nordic trannies, yor Black Sabbath tshirt, and you go about your business

Sirius XM is crossing their fingers that Jim films someone in the restroom or goes on a racist tirade using social media. Always go with tried and true.

Ay from your mouth to God's ears, that's what I always say

He hasn't seen it. Doesn't want it to influence him

(Seriously he's never mentioned going to the movies outside of SiriusXM special event screenings where he is treated special)