Dave Columbo is a good egg! Give it a watch!

0  2018-09-27 by themeatball14



Just shut up, watch the video then give it a like!

Dude just explain what you're so desperately promoting here and on cumtown. I'm gonna go dislike all their/your videos now.

No don’t do that! You’re suppose to like the videos.

So why did you decide to shill your shite here, of all places?

I disagree, this isn’t shite and Dave is really funny! His humor lines up with the humor of this sub!

Answer the question ya pedo.

I just did. And who are you calling a pedo?

I hope hangs himself with that robe he is wearing. Unemployed loser, go work at Chipotle.

No don’t do that! You’re suppose to like the videos.

I just did. And who are you calling a pedo?