What exactly was the point of no return for the Jim and Sam show?

25  2018-09-27 by disawayisthrows

All you fruit loops were loving it at first, praising Australopithecus reenactor Samuel Roberts for his witty delivery and ability to steer the ship better than Gregg ever could.

Then Jimmy got lazy, and Sam took that as a sign to get more involved. Was it the Princess Alena thing that fucked them both over?


This is what you have to understand. People on this sub were obsessed fans with The Opie and Anthony Show. If you are here you have spent years listening to and relistening to their old material and realize how unique and rare it was. Since Nana’s firing we have tried convincing ourselves that somehow the magic would come back.

“Oh now that Ant is on his own they finally can have the independent OnA without working about management and it is only a matter of time before people like Jim join him.”

“I’m so excited for the Chip Chipperson Show. He is going to have Ant on as a cohost and we can finally get that Ant and Jim magic without Opie ruining it.”

“I can’t wait for Jim and Sam. They finally got rid of Opie and his “””comic friends””” and no we can focus on the funny and Jim bringing in his comedic friends.”

Each time these first thoughts were on the hope that somehow this was the move that would fix things or at least make them better. Then hope fades and you realize Nana is just a senile degenerate racist who doesn’t care about being funny anymore, Jim is a pretentious worm who has evolved past his old angry self, Sam now on second mic has nothing to offer yet thinks he does and won’t shut up, and the comic friends are all dead, changed, or don’t need to bother with the show anymore.

Money and ego’s ruined something great. It’s sad how now one could get over their shit, if they did they could have all been more successful than they were at their peak.

Some time back, there was hope for Ant and Jim to do a show together, but Morton doesn't care enough to do TACS very often, even after the Manhattan move, and uses Ant on the Chip shitfest, when all fans wanted was the two of them to shoot the shit without any bullshit characters. Indeed, the Worm has changed into a pathetic old queen. Ant is addicted to politics and rage, and even he is just phoning it in now too.

There was a chance to get Tits on Compound Media last year, but he refused, so there will never be any sort of reunion now. During the 2016 Détente, they had both spoke of doing one show a week together as the best case scenario. They are all different people now. Even the perceived 'strong link' of A&J is not what it was, despite all the Worm's lip-service about how close he is/was to Ant.

Is there such a thing as too accurate?

Opie just wants to chill with his loving relationship with his family, including his wife who is biologically female. He is an actual adult who has moved on.

It just sucks. There’s no doubt that Sam’s talentless but it’s mostly Jimmy’s fault. He’s really lazy and uninterested in the world around him. Great radio hosts have to work hard preparing and/or just really take in the world with great interest. A lot of radio is experiencing shared communal moments in life, sports, politics, culture and then having a unique and hilarious take on relatable things. No one wants to hear a wannabe milquetoast soccer mom show in which references to sucking tranny cocks are nonsensically blurted out every two minutes.

The Rocket thinks that if Jim was put with someone with a shred of talent then the show would at least be listenable. Sam's opinions are banal and he has no ability to give the audience what they want. The Rocket sees his attitude as "I've worked for 14 years, I'm done. You will like what I give you. The Rocket is more mad at jim because he let himself be involved in a very substandard show, but really

Shit the fuck up.

The Rocket can't shut up. He was sent here by his creator to school small men like you. What you don't understand is that now, this place, belongs to the Rocket. You, you belong to the Rocket. Act accordingly. Houston, you have a problem

The rocket sucks dick.

Houston, we have a cock in our ass

How can someone who thinks this funny even be subbed here.


What happened to the character?

The Rocket typed a long response, but when he pasted it only one word was there. The Rocket decided to go with it, because he doesn't delete. The response was epic, believe you me.

I do not.

You will. Because the legions and legions of little Rocketeers imbue the Rocket with power. Rocket fuel to rule this sub with an iron fist. It will take a little longer for some plebians to recognize that the Rocket's banevolent dictatorship is what you need, but you'll fall in line. Because the Red Glare is never more than an instant away. Houston, you have a problem.

You're committed to this guff, I'll give you that. It's still utter shite though. What was your old account? Louiscuck? Chickenfan?

Why don't you step in the ring, schlomo? Make me crash. The Rocket will NEVER crash. He has spilled blood, sweat, and tears to get where he is. And he won't let an ant like you get in his way. Houston, you have a problem.

Please don’t try to make this a thing. It’s cringey


The Rocket should crash.

Why don't you step in the ring, schlomo? Make me crash. The Rocket will NEVER crash. He has spilled blood, sweat, and tears to get where he is. And he won't let an ant like you get in his way. Houston, you have a problem.

Say what you will about Gregg and Tony, they always had interesting weekend stories on Monday morning.

The only travel Sam does involves the WWE and Jim, only comedy.

They aren't interesting people. The do boring shit.

Jimmy has absolutely no interesting stories from the road. Nothing. He travels the country, lives in NYC, has some level of fame, and still manages to be a colossal self hating bore. There is nothing envious about his life. Why would people want to listen to him for a few hrs a day? Artie was/is a fuck-up, but he did have some great radio about him being a degenerate fuck-up

His life is not only boring, it is fucking depressing. No woman wants to be anywhere near him, he has no meaninful relationships in his life, and all of his peers have surpassed him. He is a sad, empty shell whose greatest creation is a used-up character he stole from the Jerky Boys.

he does treat himself to one synders sourdough pretzel nugget with a drop of plain yellow mustard ever 3 years after finishing a special though...

He certainly admitted as much (regarding stealing chip from the jerky boys) by saying “but chip evolved.”

There's nothing enviable about his life, but his life is consumed by envy at every level.

You're completely right. Pair Sam with someone who gives a shit, and he makes it work. Example: Special Delivery, one of the best radio shows ever made.

Special Delivery, one of the best radio shows ever made.

Slow down

scissors up, pissface

Is that why you listen to the show? Great examples!

When Jim started running the board. That was the exact moment.

Once again, the worm's insecurities ruin everything.

Yes, but incompetence and disinterest in this case.

Wasnt it when they said theyd rather bring on x pac or some other gay fag than colin quinn

That was after. I had long given up by then.

It was never good. Initially optimism just outstripped the reality. I personally gave up on it around the time Sam was cackling and beating into the ground "where'd the cheese go?" That was the most annoying shit I ever heard, and the white nigger just kept doing it.

I stopped listening not long after Adrian and Derek left. Their departure signaled something must be rotten in the state of Denmark. J&S were being dicks to Adrian for wanting to be a legitimate writer away from the city. I guess that was my turning point.

I got bored with the show and stopped listening anyway.

You are right that is when the show went to shit and that when they brought back troy quan

It always sucked. You're also leaving out the time when people here were repeating their terrible memes like that I could have danced thing. If there was a turning point it was when they killed themselves out of embarrassment.

Tefft dog arff arff!


Yea after the Nancy Grace thing people on here were like 'we have to spread this video to help the show!'


Don't speak for me. Ive thought it was exactly the dogshit I expected it to be, the entire time

I think it was when Sam explained why they don't have Colin on the show much. I forget the stupid reasoning but it let me know the show "had passed me by"

It was the same excuse for why they have so many wrestlers, porn stars and MMA fighters. Cross promotion.

Sam was saying that everyone who knows of Colin Quinn already knows about Jim Norton and his radio show, so they can't get a new audience by having Colin on. BUT if they have a wrestler on they can leech some of the wrestlers fans, "look at the views on this interview!"

Problem with that theory is that you can only have porn stars/wrestlers/MMA fighters on so many times before you can't cross promote anymore. Wrestling and MMA fans aren't listening to the show, not because they haven't heard it, Wrestling fans know Sam Roberts, they just don't like him. And when the fuck were porn stars ever gonna bring in a horde of loyal fans to watch their interviews? "Well I originally googled this young lady's name because I wanted to see someone drop a hot load on her face but I suppose watching her have a 2 Hour conversation with a neanderthal and a polychaete about her favourite smoothie flavours would be good enough"

Yet those shitty interviews just keep on coming, and when they're not doing those they're doing shite like what was posted a few weeks ago with some random lady and her friends as the guests with male intern strip-teases as the hilarious bit.

They're shitheads with shit taste, doing a show that's meant to cater to their shit tastes entirely, "because if the hosts are having fun, the audience will too amirite?!"

No, that only works when the hosts arent socially isolated creeps

It always stank and I always knew it would stink. The point of no return was hiring unfunny, useless cunts like Jim Norton and Sam Roberts to do a show.

They take one of the worst aspects of OnA (doing things they know the listeners hate on purpose) but bring none of the good qualities.

When this sub started saying the show was good and making little photoshop pics for the show.

It sucked from the start. Opie warned us that they were manipulating the hate, but we did not listen to the wisdom of the brothaman.

The forced Tefft running jokes turned me off by week 2.

Jimmy got too old and disinterested. And Sam got too full of himself, and at his core is an entitled rich kid. And they both spend too much time on their pet interests (porn and wrestling).

Also their back office crew is small and a bit boring now.

The prime years for a shock jock show are like when the hosts are 30 - 50. If you think about it, the best years of Stern, O/A, Ron and Fez, etc..... were when the hosts were in that age range.

Also you need a fun back office crew to fall back on. You need Stuttering John's, Sal and Richards, Earls, Master Po's, etc.... Jim and Sam don't have that. Troy is the last of that old guard, and he's almost 50.

Jim isn't built for 1st mic. And Sam got a taste of second mic, saw Jim was weak, and took 1st mic, and he just isn't interesting enough. He's a rich kid from Westchester, who married early, and gets excitement from wrestling and sneaker shopping.

There's none of that life experience between the pair of them, that a all great shows have.

I've just listened to podcasts and occasionally sports radio since 2014. What the hell is wrong with you, people?

the one and only thing I laughed at was Chippa-robot dog. That should give you my answer as it was the second month in.

Whenever a TV comedy show has reached its prime and starts running out of content, they bring in a vanilla child actor for distraction--everything from All in the Family to Modern Family. It's the death knell. Chip was the equivalent for J & S. The show flattened so badly that, in Norton's self-centered brain, he thought his stupid, unfunny prop character was the distraction his show needed. Instead, it stunk and it just added to the overall stench of J & S. And it's almost pitiable that Norton is fighting SXM over Chip, not realizing that virtually no one with a sense of humor is laughing with him, just at him and his cringe-inducing and embarrassing alter ego.

The real question is how long did it take for Jim and Sam to piss away all of the goodwill that fans had for the show. I wanted to Like Ant's show, the Chip podcast, and the Jim and Sam show. It took about a year for me to give up on Ant's show, but it only took a couple of months for me to give up on the Jim and Sam show mainly because I hate Sam as a co-host. Sam was OK as a shit stirring intern who got fifteen minutes of airtime per week. As a co-host, he's absolutely enraging. His awful voice, cackle laugh, uninformed opinions, and unearned confidence are so annoying that I can't even hate listen to the show.

I mostly gave up listening after they interviewed the girls from Fuller House in December 2016. Too many time wasting interviews with irrelevant guests, and not much else.

I'm not even a Nick Mullen fan but I think that's the interview where I said, nope can't do this anymore. Jim just 'checked out' and took every Mullen joke literally. Sam I never liked. I mean he was okay during the OnA years because he filled a role in antagonizing asshole for maybe 10 minutes a show. That's all one person can take of Sam before they want to commit suicide. God bless Jess.

I just lost interest. I don't think the show sucks, I'm just not as excited to listen as I have been in the first 18 - 20 months. I think the level of hatred they all get is, if not meant to be humorous, ridiculous

I enjoy the show, I just don't like Sams laugh. How many of you waste money just to complain? Seems silly to me.


I feel like something happened when they wouldn't let Anthony call in/come in anymore and Jim sort of gave up.

Also... To my ear, two years ago when Anthony called Opie's afternoon show, there is a certain chemistry between those two. Not all the time. When Anthony was partying hard and Opie started trying to be funny, it didn't work. And Opie with Jim Norton just sucked. But I think O&A did have a chemistry that Jim and Sam don't.


The Rocket thinks that if Jim was put with someone with a shred of talent then the show would at least be listenable. Sam's opinions are banal and he has no ability to give the audience what they want. The Rocket sees his attitude as "I've worked for 14 years, I'm done. You will like what I give you. The Rocket is more mad at jim because he let himself be involved in a very substandard show, but really

Say what you will about Gregg and Tony, they always had interesting weekend stories on Monday morning.

The only travel Sam does involves the WWE and Jim, only comedy.

They aren't interesting people. The do boring shit.

You're completely right. Pair Sam with someone who gives a shit, and he makes it work. Example: Special Delivery, one of the best radio shows ever made.

scissors up, pissface

Is that why you listen to the show? Great examples!