Is it gay

0  2018-09-27 by timallenonacid

to let a girl fuck you with a dildo


How good did it feel?


That's not an honest answer

its def in the grey area

Gay area*

straight gay

Everything’s gay kinda, Just enjoy yourself.

I didn't like it the first 3 times.

Define 'girl'


Yes because she gets to fuck you anally but you don't get to fuck her anally.

Why not just let Alena use her real Viking cock?

You'd have an artificial cock in your ass. You're getting enjoyment from an instrument copied from an actual man's dick, in your ass. You're being pleasured by a penis, it's extremely guy.

Know you've dishonored your father, and his before him.

It would be gay not to.

It's definitely not straight.

Ask Ralph cifaretto

Does it make you Indian to eat a vindaloo? No. You're just sampling what the different cultures around the world has to offer. Broaden your horizon you little scamp.