Anthony & Joe Cumia helped me realize Italian-Americans, in general, are total garbage

33  2018-09-27 by cory_stereo

Growing up in NYC, almost all the full-blooded Italian-Americans I've ever known have been pieces of trash who were barely above ghetto-dwelling niggers in their behavior.

The few 'Italians' who were decent, intelligent, and hardworking turned out be 3/4 Irish, German, and/or Russian and their paternal grandfather was from Italy which was where they got the name Fasulli or whatever shitty wop name they had.

The full-bloods were always loud, hot-headed, thought they were 3 SD's higher than everyone around them in IQ points, would try to get their way through intimidation, and were the most disgustingly racist people you ever met.

The Sopranos did a good job of showing them for who they were--basically the average Italian-American man is Tony Soprano without the wealth & power--and I totally understand why Dr. Melfi's ex-husband felt such self-hatred at being Italian and preferred his Irish women; his "Colleens" as Jennifer called them.

Ant & Joe inspired me to take a look at as many Italians as I could and I noticed the above commonalities among them. From Cuomo, to Guiliani (ie, it transcends political affiliation) every fucking wop has this "little mafioso" in him. Is it any wonder the mafia emerged among Italians? It was born of traits natural to the race! Just look at how Joe & Ant conduct themselves, and tell me they aren't like bumbling, incompetent mobsters.

Fuck Italian-Americans.

Anyway, thanks for reading my little ranting autobiography. <3


Anthony and Joe are Fredo

dey got dat black blood pumpin threw dose veins a deres


It's mainly southern Italians, who are more akin to Jews and Arabs. Northern Italians are more like the Swiss, German and French.

For some reason, I always forget Northern Italians exist.

We Americans let in too much Sicilian (half-Arab) garbage, methinks.

When Italian's immigrated to America, northern and southern intermixed quite a bit, which contributed to the confusion. The southern Italian phenotype seems pretty potent as well. I'm mostly northern European but still have dark wavy hair and olive skin from my Sicilian heritage.

Almost no Northern Italians migrated t9 the United States. I think the only place with a high percentage of northern Italians was the San Francisco area but that’s about it.

More northern italians in canada. I'm mixed northern and southern but got most of the calabria traits. My grandfather was over 6'2 and looked more germanic.

Growing up among a lot of Italian-Americans, I can easily say Antho and Joe are wholly unique guinea fags. Never have I met Italians as white trashy and as obsessed with being white as those two queers.

This is so true. The Cumia behave like no other Italians I’ve even met & I grew up in the Italian capital of the Us during 80’s, 90’s & 00’s & no one emulated redneck culture like Anthony & Joe

Well a lot of what the Cumia boys are has to do with a Long Island upbringing

You tried too hard to be funny. Faggot wop.

I'm a mick-spic mutt, good sir.

Get your insults in order.

My apologies, you potato eating, pot washing, Home Depot sitting kind sir.

That's better.

An5 & Joe are the Italians who love Olvine Garden & think it’s authentic Italian food s9 basically they are like Uncle-Toms of the Italian community, meaning they are culturally more redneck than mediterranean. If you actually knew the Italian culture then you’d know that an alcoholic who neglects his sick dying mother & a wanna-be outlaw biker who refuse to work (both of who have absolutely no class), couldn’t be further from an average southern Italian male. Most Italians aren’t obsessed with being “white” we’re not ‘not’ white but we know we aren’t Anglos or Germans nor would we ever in a million years wanna be.

Italian = Nigger

Italian = you not getting pussy

Italian in the room = What’s that smell?

Garlic dummy

Italian immediately resorting to “muh dick mufugga” as soon as he’s called a nigger, heh


Probably the fact the Roman empire failed, they were invaded and raped by Africans, did terrible at WW2, committed a disproportionate amount of violent crime in the early/mid 20th century in the USA, or watching any movie about them in general should have made you realize that, but it's a start.

Ahh no class like us Toronto wops. Cumia always sick. I don't trust ANY Italian who doesn't watch soccer. Bahaha

For some reason, I always forget Northern Italians exist.

We Americans let in too much Sicilian (half-Arab) garbage, methinks.