That looks nothing like a Gretsch you mongoloid.

5  2018-09-27 by RBuddCumia


Close enough for a Stray Cats cover band

Or for a cover band called Neil Dumb and Crazy Horse.

Eddie Cock-ring

buy your daughter a pair of ice skates you faggot. Who needs 70 of anything?

His daughter needs 70 tardy days.

No she doesnt. She already has them.

Wait it's a fucking replica guitar?

a Chinese counterfeit of a real brand guitar made with shittier parts and maybe the same specifications. maybe.

It's a replica guitar, stupid.

70 piece of shit replicas. I read some stuff about the necks on those things being so fucked up they were impossible to set up properly. Joe is an absolute clown.

70? He takes pictures of like the same 5

Joe must do their copy writing: Price Match Gaurantee

Eddie Cock-ring