Update: Stupid nigga cried and bitched so much, twitter gave him his blue check mark back.. boooo

5  2018-09-27 by stinkypussay


I'm out of the loop on this guy.

Agreed ... I guess that’s the same as an upvote ... I suck

Try not to suck so much, queer.

a nigger


Get educated, my young brother

So he's what you find in the middle of a venn diagram of Patrice O'Neal and Brother Joe?


This obsession that people have with twitter is sickening

That's how they have been getting free shit for the past 150+ years

Scream loud, throw tantrums, get violent until they get their way. That Deray faggot probably called in a favor to his lover Jack Dorsey.

Reparations, baby!

Ant should try this approach.

Black getting something he doesn't deserve after crying and bitching about it. Sounds far fetched to me.

We should Anthony Cumia this coon

"Twitter is so retarded."

-Colin Quinn, 2011