Images that blow Jim Norton’s mind

135  2018-09-26 by lolercakesmcgee


Breakfast is the easiest Shit to make, It’s right up there with grilled cheese.

Please post your recipes

American cheese lightly toasted on a plain Panera bagel.

I like a nice poached egg over buttered sourdough toast with avocado, mustard and almonds.

ME: yogurt and hot steel cut Oates brotherman!

Dropping hammers!

My favourite breakfast is I place two eggs into boiling water and then I stare at a picture of my kids back when I used to live with them, and by the time I've constructed a mental dialogue of the conversation we'd be having if I was still a meaningful part of their life, it's time to pop the toast in, then I take the eggs out of the boiling water and run them under cold water and then I peel them, butter the toast, and then slice each egg in half over a slice of toast, and then I dust with a pinch of garlic powder and a twist of grated sea salt and peppercorns, and breakfast is served.

Thanks for the blog-post.


This sub really MOTHERFUCKED me. They KNOW I'm a recovering food addict and these SCUMBAGS post fucking EGG YOLKS right on the front page.
But it doesnt bother me too much, genuinely. I would tell you if it did. Legitimately.

Nice haircut, stupid.

The man knows how to cook eggs, who is stupid now Jim?!

To be fair, the haircut is rather awful.

Worse than a 50 year old man who cannot feed himself and yet has possibly fed Nana?

EASY! He's a civilian for Pete's sake!

Funny how Jim supposedly eats healthy and goes to the gym but still looks like he has HI-



Jim is healthy like Anthony is having fun.

Can you get eggs into the city?

Anyone who eats egg whites without yolks is a faggot ass bitch.

He probably filters the protein out of his semen too

I've never heard such succinct dietary advice.

"Chef Ramsay, do you put the mustard in before or after scrambling the eggs?"

"Or no?"

I don’t like that fact he cracked his yolk this dummy.

What kind of idiot would crack an egg into a pan from the height? Yolk will break every time. Hope he splashed hot oil all over his crotch.

Yeah his eggs suck.

Fucking idiot.

You’re not kidding. Looks like he’s cooking on high too. His eggs are bubbling up way to hard

“Yeah man, I saw some eggs with yolks in them and got such a craving, I had to run out of the diner and call my sponsor.”

This image wouldn't blow his mind. That is exactly how Jim would cook eggs if he had to do it himself. The burner is glowing so the pan is way too hot, one of the eggs has a broken yolk, the egg being cracked into the pan is going to have a broken yolk when it hits the pan, and there's egg spilled all over the stove. This guy in the photo is a fucking idiot and so is James Nordstrom.

Wouldn't want to make any gains or increase strength, now would we?

2005 Jim Norton would’ve gone on a disgusted, self-hating rant about not knowing how to crack an egg.

The key is to use a flat surface, like the side of a knife. Gently (but firmly) tap the shell, and then use your fingers to separate the two halves. Then take the knife and thrust it in your chest, below the sternum and slightly left-of-center.

James Morton could have saved 25K by not having appliances in his apartment. Think of how many tokens he could have had.

hair, sideburns and goatee are infuriating

Alarmy, can I get that on my phone or no?

Please post your recipes

Worse than a 50 year old man who cannot feed himself and yet has possibly fed Nana?