Imagine being 50 years old and complaining about the preparation of meals when you yourself are afraid to even cook eggs.

28  2018-09-26 by lolercakesmcgee


An absolute loser.

Imagine not being able to eat before or after your 3 hour workday.

Not only that, imagine insisting that your food be brought to you so that you can eat it on-air.

And that your office pay for it.

Never enjoyed his arrogant shit attitude towards low-income service people.

That’s the bit

And Jim lived with his parents until he was 30. That means his mom prepared his meals everyday until he was 30. That is so mind boggling pathetic. And he doesn't even visit them on holidays.

Imagine 30-year-old baby boy throwing a hissy fit because scummmmbag mom was trying to motherfuck him by not getting his eggs right. What a creep.

The worm not cooking eggs tipped me over into pure hatred. I always kind of gave him a pass. I assumed everything was played up for the radio and he made it funny. Now it has a whole new context. There are hundreds of examples of him being an entitled fuck when I think about the old shows. Terrorizing interns, Kenny, airlines, photo takers, employees and even his parents.

No wonder he gets along with Sam.

Muthafucka needs a slap back to reality.