Jim and Sam didn't know Alaska wasn't a island

191  2018-09-26 by Dennyislife

These two are retarded


It's hard to look at maps when you're jerking it to hulk hogan and edging to tranny porn

Jim doesn’t want to be influenced by the map’s material



Mercator? I hardly know her. Ohhh!

I think not being able to get maps into the city has a lot to do with it

Shit i have been doing this bit for far too long

I really wish I could find the audio of all the times he mentioned how he didn't know how to get podcasting equipment into the city, it was definitely more than once. The way he talked about it made me think that NYC had certain laws pertaining to it or you'd need a license for some of the stuff. I still don't understand wtf that was even about. Can someone find the audio of him mentioning it? /u/ccred95 /u/braunheiser

I would like to think all you need is a laptop and some USB mic

Yeah I know, but the way he kept mentioning it and how it seemed like such an obstacle for him made me believe there were additional steps besides buying it and setting it up.

That is all you need, but a lot of these older guys like Jim and DiPaolo think you need an entire production studio because of set ups they’ve seen like Joe Rogan’s and are fairly retarded with technology anyways so they don’t know any better.

A simple portable recorder like a Tascam and a few basic mics and that’s it. Hit record and go to town, throw it in Audacity and edit it for ten minutes and you’re done.

you know which old faggot realizes how little is needed for a podcast? Opie

holy shit

The irony is that one of the best places to get audio/video equipment is B&H, located in - wait for it - Manhattan.


Playing Devil's Advocate: Jim thought podcasting required the same amount of audio equipment as radio (full-sized mixing boards, etc), and he didn't have a place in the city (aka an office) to put that much shit.

lol to be honest, i havent listened to either show in probably 2+ years. Ive actually never heard any opie and jimmy show at all except the anthony firing show, and the O vs J fight clips. I havent listened to anthony's show since the week ant got out of rehab lol


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I know, right?

To be fair to Jim, geography is a tough one man.

Fucking Scccccummmbagg cartographers

Fucking Scccccummmbagg cartographers

Maps are a motherfucker

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This can’t be true. I refuse to believe not just one; but two “adult men” could be so ignorant. I applaud you for creating such an outlandish scenario.

I just listened. Jim actually didn't know and his reasoning was based on how maps always draw Alaska in the water. Sam was egging along, as he does. But yes, Worm is a small world dummy

By that reasoning, he probably also thinks it's small.

"Hawaii is definitely bigger than Alaska right?"

I could imagine that line leaving his dumb mouth.

I'm guessing he's only ever seen maps of the USA only. He must think that the part that borders with Canada has an amazingly straight shoreline.

Sam and Jim were like I was in the 3rd grade.....I Thought Hawaii was off the coast of California and Alaska was off the coast of Washington state.

Have these retards never seen a fucking globe?

I bet you could convince Jim that the earth is flat with a few youtube videos.

All this technology at our fingertips 24 hours a day and this stupid mother fucker never even looked at google maps.

And one side just happens to be perfectly flat? What a fucking retard.

In my thirties I had a friend ask me why Alaska was so cold when it was in the South Pacific

Alaska is this incredible island with around 500 miles of perfectly straight coastlin

Norton is a dumb person. This is the guy who thought Earth's gravity was the result of its spinning.

The lowest cumulative IQ of any radio duo ever.

They are figuring out how to get iq into the studio

If only they could figure out how to get CQ in studio their show might be worth listening to for one day...

Honestly, the show is so bad even when they have guys like Colin & Vos on it's still unlistenable. Last time Colin was on, Jim was laughing about how he farted & Quinn was forced to smell it. Disgusting fucking hack. Last time I saw Bennington on, Sam danced to hip hop & talked about wiggery pop culture bullshit & shoes the entire time.

They should both be publicly hanged.

You are entirely correct. When they started I listened to a few shows and found the to be unbearable. They I listened when Colin and Vos were on, and even they couldn't save that shitshow.

I dont think they're any dumber than your average dipshit radio hosts, but they are profoundly uncurious about the world they live in and extraordinarily sheltered

I don't care if someone is stupid. I care if they act like an intellectual and thumb their noses at the middle-american populace as if they are smart just by virtue of living in NYC. Jim is dumber than Vos he just knows how to use his mouth properly.

And that includes Dave and Bobo

With me! Stalker Patti!

I haven't listened to that bit in years, and I still heard that in my head crystal clear. The David and Bobo show should replace Jim and Sam...

technically everywhere is an island

things that blow joe rogan

You’re like a monkey sitting on a spinning rock flying through space circling a hot ball that’s also firing through space. And you’re talking about ISLANDS. Interesting

Tony Hinchcliff?

They don't know simple 4th grade knowledge? I am surprised these two geniuses can find their way into work every day.

They still think there's 52 states.

Jim can't, he has someone drive him.

That was the bit.

I was stunned to hear that. Even more so when Jimmy thinks he's qualified to have a conversation with actual physicists and tell them (for example) that he doesn't believe that nothing can go faster than light.

It's because we have the commonality of language

He has Karl Pilkington levels of intelligence, except its not a bit.

No. Karl has interesting insights into life. He might be autistic but Karl thinks about things. Morton is an Ignorant Self-absorbed Faggot.

What about a jetplane, dude? Are you telling me something that goes overhead IN AN INSTANT isn't faster than light?

I was gonna say something about Michiu Paku but I don't know how to spell his name.

super close

"We're two guys who combined aren't smarter than a 5th grader!"


I'm glad I was able to enjoy Jims advice show before learning what a moron he was.

Just go to an open mic and do it man. (Jim's advice show in a nutshell)

They don't have a class called geography in American schools Denny... cuz every other country fucking sucks!!! Amirite Merica!!🇺🇸

I didn't want to go over the dumb American clickbaity video of Americans pointing at where they think places are on a globe but it seems Americans are genuinely less informed. I learnt lots of those tiny ever changing ex USSR countries from football not school.

But tbh we don't really have a standardized geography course. Outside of history.

Geography wasn't just maps. It was like how seas, rivers and earthquakes and volcanoes happen. Where did you learn that shit?

Sunday school

Lol this fag thinks volcanoes and earthquakes aren’t God’s punishment for sinners.


That's geology, we learn that in Earth Science in middle school.

Lol I was just taking the piss and trying to get a rise outa you guys when I said they don't teach geography in American schools!!

You're not necessarily wrong either.


Spot on

I learned those countries from the Eurovision Song Contest Lol


Well, I've no doubt that you know where Dunkirk is, nigger. Won't be forgetting that on a map anytime soon, hey Limey.

Never won a war by yourself ever, did you?

Maps are for civilians

Did they also think it was right next to Hawaii? It said so on the map in school!

Jim has a map of Hawaii on his back.

Sam got a degree in Sociology.

Didn't Sam not know Europe or Asia was a continent or something along those lines? I tried erasing anything he's ever said out of my memory.

They should hire someone with a 4th grade education just to sit there and tell them facts.

*an island

Lol you listen

It's called Jim trolling the sub.

You're very dumb to fall for it, of course, but on the other hand, the fact that he wanted to do it in the first place shows that you do bother him. He needs to be able to say "look what these stupid motherfuckers will believe". But the need to say that to himself says a thing or two.

Who's stupider the person who admits it on a nation radio show, or the people who believe what hes saying?

You can't just say something stupid like that, then say "I was only jokin"

a) both

b) you can if you designed saying it in the first place to get the reaction. Have you never read a single Ann Coulter book?

This is probably true. I don't listen to the show (it amazes me that people) do, but usually when a clip is posted about something like this it's never as ridiculous as the poster makes out.

This is probably true. I don't listen to the show (it amazes me that people do), but usually when a clip is provided for something like this it's never as ridiculous as the poster makes out.

"We're reality on crack! Paneraaaa!"

I'm only mocking myself :(

Don't we have to listen to the show for the worm to troll us?

No. Of course not. Fuck, no! Trolling has evolved so much that it can easily go through 40 stages to get to its intended source. Like butter.

Somehow this isn't surprising

Two guys who board a plane to go to other coasts but otherwise don’t go 50 miles outside of Manhattan. This is not surprising.

Typical NYC people living in their bubble.

I am stunned, I just heard it. Very stupid, these two.

These two are retarded

Ni more like the post-modern man ,I mean one is college educated and thr other probably went to Alaska. They are just so self absorbed in their bullshit that nothing else matters.

Can you even get podcasting equipment into the city?

I want to remind everyone that this is Jim Norton who tries to be the intelligent voice of reason. Remember this when he tries to talk about politics.

Oh and I no longer watch MMA but I always suspected he doesn’t know shit about the sport. I guess if he’s this stupid he couldn’t grasp how complex fighting is when you’re breaking down technique.

Jim should be lynched.

He's never even been in a wrastlin match as a kid let alone a fist fight. His opinions on MMA are invalid and gay.

“Wasn’t a island”

Sam has a degree from Syracuse. Nice education, stupid.

It’s right next to Hawaii kinda

Why are you listening to those idiots?

Nice high school education, stupid

This was the funniest thing since Vos gave out his password.

It's like when that congressman was worried Guam might tip over, except they're just two guys on the radio and it doesn't matter, and the other man was in the House of Representatives.

I'd rather listen to 2 hours of Big A and Twitchels than this pile of shit.

I mean, do we want to consider Canada a country?

Nice double negative, stupid.

They probably take the U.S. map from school literally where Alaska & Hawaii are right below Florida

a) both

b) you can if you designed saying it in the first place to get the reaction. Have you never read a single Ann Coulter book?