Anthony missed his show yesterday because he's just been told he has early on set dementia

35  2018-09-26 by Dennyislife

Good luck bro.


True, he even forgets that the got kicked off twitter and quit social media.



Some say he’s still searching for his lost gun to this day.

No biggie he forgets he's black all the time.


cumentia surely

He had to meet with his attorney - Ant received a grand jury target letter - expect him to be indicted any day now

He's apparently being investigated for violating the Mann Act. Big if true.

I could have sworn the Mann Act violated HIM! Here all week folks!

Leave now

Please, thats not necessary.

Her ass was wigglin' too.

He's delusional!

CP Time.

Early onset? I’d say right on schedule

He works 4 days a week 2 hours a day and still takes days off his own talk show.

he's using Jim's negotiation tactics and is trying to prove to Keith how indispensable he is. keith runs the compound.

He was probably busy trying to call his mom to see how she has been handling it.

He was actually doing his show in front of a toaster.

Is this for real?

Sure. Why not.

I'm sure Keith the Accountant made sure to dock his pay like he did with Artie.

This is really sad. I wish I could tweet out my condolences to him.

On set dementia? So he's okay when he's not filming his show?

He's apparently being investigated for violating the Mann Act. Big if true.