68  2018-09-26 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


More like state sponsored good times. Don't tax my gig so hardcore cruster.

The reason I am anti-bore is simple: Dave Smith.

Please tell me this is real.

Holy Christ I've heard about that on the cumboys that was worse than I expected

a regular Immanuel Cunt

ME: I get it! It's cause it's a funny name right? Let's go to the callers

Daniel Ben Dovid looks really happy in this pic.

truly profound liberty man

It's true Ron Paul, and Alex Jones are right. Fuck War.

Found the homo, guys.

Ron Paul 👍


Post-Comedy garbage

Omg that's halarious

Fuck this entitled faggot


Sorry... I meant Dave Smith, not /u/Stankysnatch82

Dave is that guy who isn’t funny but every so often surprises himself with a witty line which allows him to think he can hang with comics. He uses politics as an excuse for no laughs and exists in that famous talent blind spot that is reserved for mid tier YouTube content creators. He’s literally invisible to the eyes of anything meaningful and 98% or his career just consists of people replying with ‘Dave who?’. I would say I wish cancer on him but I’m pretty sure the human species wants Dave gone quicker than a terminal illness that kills thousands of children a day. I wish nothing but a lifetime of bad luck and urgent IRS letters for Dave Smith, and if a lifetime is out of reach for ol Dave then I hope it ends with poverty, heartache and an eventual suicide.

Sorry i mean Dave who?

All power is ultimately based on the ability to inflict force.

K, maxwell stirner, don't cut yourself on all that edge

Hot take

Standup shots are for faggots

Standup is for faggots

Ride this edge brothaman

I really don't mind Dave


What if another country is coming to kill you and take your shit? How about then?

Yet not a single opinion or criticism on Jew boys beloved Israel who America fights most of its wars for.

nah that's not true. he's a self loathing jew like any of god's chosen who don't deserve the chambers.

is that in his stand up special?

this nanette shit and dave smith crap makes me wanna overthrow the goverment more than any martial law

how does this nigga have a fucking career, hes fucking retarded and not funny. no one should know of him

its a jewish conspiracy i tells ya

He ain’t wrong..

He's not, but it's as dumb as a statement as "Being a racist is a morally abhorrent." It's such a bland, innocuous cold-take that it's not even worth saying.

When did comedy become pontificating about politics with no punchline? Everything that was once good is now complete garbage.




People don't think government be like this but it do


Being against killing. Brave. I wonder if he supports abortion and the death penalty?

He was Nanette before Nanette. She stole his unfunny lecturing schtick!

That is so funny. I'm holding my sides

So... in Dave Smith's perfect America, us as freedom and liberty loving British Subjects would have to just turn over our prized Slaves when our Nazi and Imperial Japanese overlords asked us?

Fuck this fag

War is state-sponsored mass slaughter of the people who are trying to kill you.

As opposed to all those pro war people

Reminds me of the article on Ari Schaffir with the pull-quote “I love murdering gods.”

Do ya?

It's so simple. I never saw it that way. Ugh.

Dave Smith is the joke.