There's only TWO genders.

3  2018-09-26 by TangerineReam


No kidding.

What these queebs are calling 'genders' should be 'sexualities.'

u/literalotherkin is right about it clearly being biological sex, determining your hormones and genitals. Gender is just an idea some pedo came up with.

No there's only biological sex. Gender is just a completely made up thing a pedophile came up with.

Exactly, what was that fucking assholes name?

I heard he disputed a lot of this on The People's Court though

Oh God I had forgotten about that. What an utter ghoul.

Yet the whole idea and foundation of gender is built off this piece of shit.

what was that fucking assholes name?

(((John Money)))

I was thinking of Magnus Hirchfield I think. Didn't know about this creep. What a ghoul. BTW he Jewish? I didn't think NZ had them.

Magnus_Hirschfeld was operating during the Weimar republic, while he did have a lot of the same beliefs (and ethnicity) and practices of Money, including offering "gender reassignment" surgery, and later "sexologists" adopted a lot of his research, it was Money that introduced modern gender theory as we understand it. In fact, Money even received a reward named in honour of Hirschfeld

He received the Magnus Hirschfeld Medal in 2002 from the German Society for Social-Scientific Sexuality Research.

Then one of the brothers blew his brains out when he got older?

The other brother OD'ed on anti-depressants, they both ended up committing suicide.

Nice assertion that there's a biological basis for sex, stupid.

Wait what????

Makes sense why they never feel "whole" until they fix the bits that are only used for sex. It's totally not a fetish.

Yeah and even then they mostly end up topping themselves anyway. Poor bastards.

Actually, wait. There is a third gender: Jamie Lee Curtis. Male, Female or Jamie Lee Curtis.

Gender is about which genitals you were born with. Gay, straight, bi, cisgender, transexual, pansexual or whatever, are not genders, but sexual preferences.

But what do I know?

That's an urban myth!

No it ain't. Jamie Lee Curtis ain't one or the other and neither is Lady Gaga.

It's a myth dude. How about dem bubbas in Trading Places though? Wow.

That proves my point, though, brotherman. They weren't one or the other so the doctors just said 'raise it as a boy or girl once it's old enough to act like one or the other.' These bitches leaned female and were raised as such and both developed meaty beefers and all was well in the world. Other times the choice is made incorrectly, and you end up with parents trying to force Barbie dolls onto butch ass 9 year old lesbians.

Point is, gender is based on the junk God gave you, sexuality is what you do with it.

I can't even tell if you're joking or not but Jamie Lee Curtis and Germanotta are biologically female.

Guys, get a load of this fag, he's all stirred up

he's right tho

now I'm confused. Am I a faggot or not?

Nice implicit assertion that there's a biological basis for sex, stupid.

Don't forget the evidence that transgenderism is spread like a social contagion, casting doubt on the claims of it being innately biological.

“Rapid-onset gender dysphoria” among teens and young adults may be a social contagion linked with having friends who identify as LGBT, an identity politics peer culture, and an increase in internet use, finds a study out this month from a Brown University professor. The study was quickly yanked from Brown’s news releases after a transgender activist feeding frenzy, and the journal it was published in is reconsidering the publication.

The two genders; jimmy and chip