How Comic Kevin Brennan Turned Burning Bridges Into A Business

12  2018-09-25 by BackstabbingSammy


‪“Content Mogul Anthony Cumia”‬

Maybe he meant incontinent ghoul?

Anthony Cumia: Content mogul.

When your good your good

So Forbes is basically a tabloid now huh??

Struggling for advertising revenue. They will publish anything that gets clicks.

The same guy wrote this article, the one on Jim & Sam and the one on Troy Quan. I think he’s a former intern or something

Their former producer Derek/D-Bag works at Forbes and is probably behind it.

Not even that, just a blog hosting site

How the fuck is the Chip Chipperson podcast mentioned in Forbes?

I respect Brennan for carrying the old flame of "mean comedy," but dude has never been funny, ever. You still need funny punchlines, edgy isn't enough.

kevin brennan blows