When your co-host isn't back from lunch again, because he's still crying in a bathroom stall as he watches the last Porsalin documentary on his phone for the 1,247th time, and you've been left to try and talk to some big-breasted slut instead of an oily, muscular, 6' 4" pro wrestler.

22  2018-09-25 by GorramTimebomb


He looks like a fucking Falmer Elf from some cave in Skyrim

OK that has to be a shop.

I can't tell. I never can.

I feel like around the eyes might be but still a fact his teeth are terrible and he has zero upper lip

captain howdy

I'm going to use this for my reoccurring day dream where Sam accidentally walks in front of a semi-truck going 70 mph. Thanks fella.

too many words

Going "Beetlejuice" is actually a better look for Sam than his usual Grinchard Simmons go-to.

a face made for ray dee ohh

He looks like a fucking corpse.

PROGERIA! thats what he looks like! Mom probably artificially induced some progeria shit when she was pumping him full of HGH as a youngin.

"World's Oldest Progeria Patient"

For a man who has never consumed a drug or drink, he looks horrid.

He looks like someone hit the "randomize" button at the character creation screen

Being alone with oily 6'4"wrestlers is why Sam got in the business. Sam is sharpening the knife now and soon it will be the Sam and Troy show.