Bears scrutiny

129  2018-09-25 by nomobjustice


it's him. nice find.

That didn't take long hahahahaha


What an accountability dodging wop faggot

I'm trying to hold him accountable and he's dodschin me!

Houston, we have a Nana

he's gone already.

exhale Houston, this guy's a problem...

Omg he just can't control his urge to comment on black criminals


Now that he's on his 5th ultra-secret alt, he's got under 100 followers. Still tweeting the same amount, but with no likes, no replies, no retweets. He's truly reached his final form: a bitter old man yelling into an empty void.

Its the pathetic desperation that I enjoy the most.

I wonder if he's enjoying obscurity šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

Look at all the fawkin empties

At least he got his hair right this time.

They also doxxed Gavin, his phone number is on their twitter at the moment

Everyone has his number. I have his number. I also have a few other comedians numbers.

Goes to check it's legit. 1st tweet is a black crime. Yeah it's him.

Hahahahahahahahaha. Does anyone hav the vid of him saying he's done with Twitter. Didn't his brother try and convince people to cancel. What happened to Gab. Didn't he say on facebook he was done. Quit for his familys sake also. Jesus Ant

Anthony doesn't do shit for anyone outside himself, the "family" reason was merely to seem like his whimpering defeat was going out a high note.

My fellow tards, it's time to feed Nana

Pathetic old faggot sure is a sucker for punishment. Release the hounds.

There's a few tweets bitterly attacking Stuttering John as well.

A made whose face is made out of granite.

I think it was deleted already

lol there's a tweet against Why? to the official CNN account. And do they know why they're known as "the enemy of the people"

I hope brings up Twitter and ask him why he's such a fag

He's done with twiiter though. Lying twat

Why won't he behave? Tell him to behave!

Looks like Nana got drunk and forgot that account was supposed to be secret.

Silly old moo.

/u/beigefrequency believe we got another one.

Followed by Bob Levy and Bill Schulz.

Yeah but those 2 losers follow back anyone. "Mornin". Fuckin drunk loser.

THIS IS A TRAP.. they will try and dox any one who follows this account because WE are the only ones who follow this account

Just use a real enough sounding name with a stock wedding photo and lead the old coot on a wild goose chase.

LOL, vurry good.

"Steve Ramone is gonna feel real sorry when I show up in Yellowstone..."

If someone would call 877-789-2539 on Thursday between 3 & 4 PM, we could find out who this rascal really is.

I think he may have a Twitter addiction

His profile picture is of Marcus Aurelius, a roman emperor known for his writings on Stoicism which survive to this day.

He probably meant to impersonate Antoninus Pius since is sounds more like his name, but Nana needs new glasses. Also as a joke he should have used Caligulas portrait but we all know he s past humour and anecdotes

I wonder if he learned about the Roman Empire in tin knocking school.

Homosexuality In reference to prostituing his sisters it is said that he offered them to his catamites (young homsoexual lovers) rest of his sisters he did not treat with so much fondness or regard; but frequently prostituted them to his catamites.

Caligula was attracted to a young actor Marcus Lepidus Mnester who is said he regularly had intercourse with He is said to have been inflamed with an unnatural passion for Marcus Lepidus Mnester, an actor in pantomimes, and for certain hostages; and to have engaged with them in the practice of mutual pollution

Caligula also had sexual relations with a young man from a consular family called Valerius Catullus Valerius Catullus, a young man of a consular family, bawled aloud in public that he had been exhausted by him in that abominable act.

Can confirm.

Any refference to Suelicus Fulmen?

Of course itā€™s him. Its a Sopranos reference that Ralph Cifaretto makes.

Anth is more of an Elagabalus.
Check out his resume, it's uncanny how similar he and Nana are :
Feed Nana.

Jesus what a pathetic old faggot


He deleted it. Lol what a pathetic man he is. He really canā€™t live without spewing his thoughts on blacks.

It's because his ball washers work at real jobs so there's no one to talk to during the day. Who's going to agree with him if there's no one around to hear him?

Nigga still thinks heā€™s Italian.

What about that big declaration of his that corrado was his last account and that he was done with liberal sjw snowflake twitter

He forgot

I stopped paying attention to politics for a few days and have felt much more happier and calmer. I remember the first time I voted I didnā€™t even know who any of the people or parties on the ballot were. I wish I could go back to that time. Maybe ant šŸœ should do the same thing

There is no reason to follow the news really. All it does is make you unhappy and angry. There are much better ways to invest time and energy.

I wonder how many folks that "follow politics" even know what left and right really means, what's communism and all that

He's breaking the rules for the sixth time at an establishment in two years, a place that has already banned him five times, and his first tweet is about how blacks needs to follow the rules better. Holy shit dude.

That tweet was sent yesterday and this screen is from today. 1 Retween, 1 Like. Obscurity found Nana.

this is Joe levels of embarassing

He has another one now. Heā€™s a genius on making alt twitter accounts.

Everyone has his number. I have his number. I also have a few other comedians numbers.