🎆The Launch Pad🎆

0  2018-09-25 by TheRocketRosenthal

🎷Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, children of all ages. The time you have been clamoring for is finally here. Let me present to you, the Undisputed O+ A Subreddit Champion of the world...me, Randy "The Rocket" Rosenthal. And welcome to the much anticipated first edition of, "The Launch Pad" . I am proud to say that this is the first episode of The LP to be filmed live for Fox 25! Oh, and broadcasting to 90 cities and London. Hi 90th city, you know who you are. I'll be honest I only have one thing to say on this premiere episode, but I think we should go to the living room anyway! Yes sir. All of my little Rocketeers out there having been waiting patiently for my announcement. To find out who will be the Rocket's next victim inside the squared circle. Who will be the next to suffer the humiliation of the "Red Glare" and the 1.2.3. and you know that the Rocket always gives the fans, and the ladies, what they need. So without further ado, I am here to say that my next opponent will be...announced on part 2 of this very, worldwide, late night, comedy, clavacade, cornucopia. Remember, my little Rocketeers, just when you think you have all the answers... I change the questions. Houston, you have a problem. 🚀


Your bit sucks.

You mean like when I bit into my $200 steak last night? Living the life of the champion my friend. The Rocket enjoys the finer things in life. You wouldn't know caviar from Kierkegard. But rest easy, I am a champion of all people, even the bottom of the barrel, like yourself. If I see you I'll throw a hundred $ bill at you. Houston, you have a problem.


Motherfucker I'm Abe Vigoda. Bow down.

Abe Vigoda. I thought you were ok...in the '60's. You're yesterday's news. A poor man's Don Knott's. Away with you.

Don Knotts? Mr. Chicken? He doesn't deserve to smell my shit. At least I was a competent cop on Barney Miller. I collared a perp the day that faggot forced me into retirement.

Remember this day: September 25th, 2018. It’s the day you made the most atrocious post in this subs history.

Looks like we have another Loouis poster now.

Looks like we have a guy from the two most redneck cities in the country, Columbus and Philly. Who read this post for you? Your mommy? Houston, you have a problem

You’re a fucking idiot.

This doughboy is obsessed with the Rocket! He has the Rocket on the mind!. The Rocket is a religion to him. Who knows, Doughboy, maybe you'll be The Rocket's next victim. Houston, doughey has a problem.

You’re a fucking idiot.

Or maybe you want to be my valet? How does that sound Tina? You put on a pair of high heels and sashè the Rocket down the aisle . Then the Rocket slaps you out of the ring and you stay, like your esposed to.

You’re a fucking idiot.

What's that? Sorry. I was just relaxing in the rent free space that I own in your head. It's awful lonely in here. Maybe I'll just invite all the little Rocketeers to join me here, from Tupelo, Mississippi. Houston, you have a problem

You’re a fucking idiot.

The Rocket needs you to say it again. You see I got a pile of beautiful babes here and they were talking, as shixas often do. I'll tell them to quiet down. Now go ahead, what did you want to say to the Rocket. I'll listen.

You heard me, you fucking idiot.

I'm sorry, a booby was blocking my ear. I still didn't hear you. What did you want to say to the Rocket, speak up. Do you want a Rocketeer application?

Goddamn you’re dumb

Whats that? Doughy? Well yes, you're right. I did pin Pez Watley 2 out of three falls in the Washington Armory. You must of been in diapers when the Rocket achieved that feat. And yet, right now I look 20 years younger than you. You should really do something about those crows feet, schlomo. Houston, you have a problem.

Is this getting old yet? I was hoping you died. You don’t really have much commitment to this shitty bit.

I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you. I was counting my hundreds. Do you need to borrow some money, doughboy? I can give you my gold necklace to pawn. I wore it once so I need a new one. Also, the rocket will do you a mitzvah and save a front row seat at Slamsylvania 32. You can feel the Rocket's heat first-hand. Houston, you have a problem

Yeah dude can I borrow some money? Also, you’re a fucking idiot.

What's that? The Rocket couldn't hear you. Say it into my left ear, it isn't stiffed with currency as my right one is. The Rocket is a movement and you'll be left behind if you don't shape up. Always remember, the O+A subreddit is now running on rocket fuel. Houston, you have a problem.

Clean out your fucking ears and give me some goddamn money, you dumb fuck.

I'm sorry, did you say you want money? I probably threw away more than your yearly salary today. So I could easily give you more than you need. But I think the rocket needs you to earn it. So, how can you earn a pittance from the rocket? Clean my toilets?

Yeah dude. I’m half Mexican so I am really good at cleaning toilets. You’re a fucking idiot.

The Rocket doesn't talk stereotypes. I am a champion of the people, ALL the people, even the ones who are too dumb to give me my due. What the Rocket loves most about this land is that ANYONE can be ANYTHING. As long as they are willing to train hard as the Rocket does. So, you little one, you can be anything you want as long as you believe in the flag and believe in the power of your father's before you. Talking bout Washington, Madison, Taft, and Eisenhower. Talking bout America. Talking about Randy "The Rocket" Rosenthal. Houston, you have a problem.

You’re a fucking idiot.

You’re a fucking idiot.

I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you. I was counting my hundreds. Do you need to borrow some money, doughboy? I can give you my gold necklace to pawn. I wore it once so I need a new one. Also, the rocket will do you a mitzvah and save a front row seat at Slamsylvania 32. You can feel the Rocket's heat first-hand. Houston, you have a problem