When I look at Opie now

156  2018-09-25 by J0hnEddy

I see a dude who is completely aware that people found him to be the weak link. I think he knows everyone's gripes with him. The unimportant phone calls, the lame jokes, the jealousy, it's not lost on him.

I also see a dude who realizes he steered the ship on a wildly popular program that lots of people really enjoyed. I think he's now taking his faults in stride, recognizing his talents, and just trying to go through his career the best way he can. Most importantly he's acting like a fucking adult, which is more than I can say about Nana and the slug.

Hail Greg Opie Hughes


He also does not fuck kids or fall in love with tranny camwhores, which puts him ahead in this group.

Has Traditional Family Values and never needs to brag about it.

a "conservative" way of life, broadly speaking. doesn't stray from his ideology just so he can fuck a tranny and then lash out on twitter because he's having an internal identity crisis.

We do set the bar pretty high

Yeah. I still hate opie and he really did ruin a lot of things. But he’s also the only one of the three that shouldn’t be in jail. And no matter how badly his podcast may suck, he’s having fun and then he goes home to a fulfilling life with his beautiful wife and at least one non-retard child.

Yeah, but having a retarded kid is like having a puppy. They might shit on the floor sometimes, but they sure are happy to see you when you walk in the door.

When they are little they probably could do no wrong and are just the most loving kids I bet. All smiles until at 30 you still have to pull their hand off the stove burner..

Most importatly, he was able to fall into obscurity gracefully. Both Jimmy and Ant were so desperate to be loved by strangers online they tried to "reinvent" themselves. With Ant bringing on people like Gavin McInnes to gain the favor of the alt-right and Jimmy becoming an "under the right circumstances" SJW. Opie at the very least packed up his shit and started an under-the-radar podcast for the few fans he has left.

Speaking of this shit, nothing Anthony or Jimmy does is earnest. Anthony doesn't really care about the alt-right. Bennington nailed it: "You're not a conservative, you just hate liberals." Jimmy's entire podcast is about being awful... on purpose. It's a creative shield where he can go "Haha, I was only PRETENDING to be retarded, you pleb." But in the few moments when he gives his real opinion on something, you realize how little he understands anything about the world.

Opie is a shallow dude, but he likes what he likes. He enjoys a nice grapefruit beer while fishing. He likes to be the "engineer" of a group of people riffing. He likes getting retweets on Twitter and going viral. He's just as egotistical as the other two, but at least he's not water that will fill any glass.

With Ant bringing on people like Gavin McInnes to gain the favor of the alt-right

It was even more desperate than that. At the time, Gavin didn't even have the notoriety he has now with the right, Ant only knew him from being on Red Eye with him & according to Gavin had ignored him until after he got fired. Gavin then became really popular on YouTube & fittingly none of it seemed to bleed over to TACS & then he left anyway.

Ant went from having Gavin & los to the Dave Landau & Haha Holy Shit Show at an upcharge.

Gavin McInnes alt-right Are you fucking retarded? Gavin McInnes shills for the jew...

Gavin's show was hilarious and entertaining, at least in the early days. He's gotten way to political now. In his old show, he would interview interesting and whacky people and shit on his (few) celebrity friends. His new show is 90% bitching about liberals.

He has this new hot take that the left is eating itself.

Gavin is not alt right. He is despised by the actual alt right. He's a mildly amusing weirdo, who stuck a dildo up his arse on a live broadcast.

That's not trad, brah. That's just a homosexual who found a clever way to get a bunch of men bearded cuckservative "men" together.

quietly collecting massive paychecks - Opie was many things but a dummy was not one of them

I wouldn't go that far. But as someone said at least he doesn't try to be liked by everyone and genuinely enjoys the hack shit he has done. If you listen to his latest podcast with that Pez dispenser looking Mike Bochetti or whatever he gives some reasonable points why he acted like he acted.

he enjoys the hack shit because it was bringing in listeners and making cash - duh


No U

Got eem!

Opie played the long game. Rather than just outing his faggot co-hosts as truly degenerate pieces of shit, he took his beatings knowing full well that we'd eventually find out exactly how fucked up Jim and Ant are.

"Human Garbage"

Can you imagine knowing that you and your families well being relied on you not outing a pedophile

Truly a conflicted and tortured man

And think about this, we spent a full 3 fucking years calling Opie a fat titted retard and not once did he come here and cry about it like Anthony. Opie received some of the most intense online hatred in history and he still persevered. Now he's perfectly happy doing his dumb dad podcast and he's even a good enough dude to have idiots like Carl and Sherrod on it.

I cannot believe that I actually respect this motherfucker now.

Wow I actually can't hate this view at all. Opie survived the shitstorm.

Now I don't know if this is still within deep /s or if it's true haha.

Ant's posts here are so fucking embarrassing. His show was terrible since day one. People supported him anyway for a long time, but when it just kept sucking and they kept promising things like the Ron and Anthony show but not delivering, people started to get annoyed. From that point on he acted like everyone here was crazy and he had done no wrong. After people really turned on him when he started doxxing his fans, his posts just got fucking crazy. They really highlight his inability to critically think about his own behavior. Should I stop doxxing my fans and put effort into my show? No, I'll just go drunkenly yell at them on reddit. And always with such a thinly veiled effort to make it look like we don't matter even though we mattered enough to make him embarrass himself with those posts:

I'd be slightly worried if I thought this very small collection of dicks and assholes mattered for a second. Why respond than? Because it's entertaining to me. I'd love to see how many of you imbeciles live. So, I read your posts and get a pretty good idea. Not much better to do huh?

I think my favorite of his posts is this one. Nana got drunk and had a fun idea. It was the first and last time the "morning drive" show was ever mentioned. Wet-brained idiot. There was never any chance that he would do that.

He's still thinking about it, once they get that new studio all kinds of great things will happen!

Damn nigga... woke AF.

He played things incredibly wisely. If he had sat there trying to tell people the truth about Ant and Jim no one would have believed him and just been more hostile towards him for trying to trash the two people everyone was supporting. He did get vocal about the way he felt it was shitty he was getting all the blame but he never went beyond that. Which was genius and I'm sure hard to do. Just stay quiet and wait it out hoping they would show themselves to the world.

He's smarter than I give him credit for and actually a hell of a ship captain with that self control and foresight

It’s pretty telling when you are already better than both of your cohost for just not using your position to try and copulate with confused teenagers and runaways.

The same autism that caused Opie to ruin the show is the same autism that prevents him from being taken down like Nana and Worm are now.

You can hit Opie with all the valid criticism and vitriol in the world and he'll just come back with:

sniff Fawkin' haters. Nice try with the hate tho

and be completely unaffected, he's bulletproof. Then he'll go back to his fulfilling life and be able to fall asleep without Seinfeld reruns on.

People underestimate the power of autism.

It's a shield and a weapon.

Ha. Funniest shit I’ve read this week by far. Thanks for the chuckles fellow faggot

Pitless, delightful

He's too retarded to see how retarded he is.

He always had that modelling career to fall back on, whereas Ant was just an air conditioning rig monkey,

Don't forget that he should've been a doctor or a scientist to be honest witcha

He was always a math wiz and he’s been honing that with sudoku puzzles for a long time. He could probably get a job as a quant or actuary at least tomorrow.

He created all of this. He is The Creator

i see no evidence that hes aware and acknowledges his SNOWAAAAY horseshit, his horrendous bombs, his inability to take jokes which would cause tension in the room even with fucking patrice, none of it.

i have a suggestion to amend this though. put on an opieradio shirt, douse yourself in gasoline, and leapfrog into a furance.

Hey goo gobbler, what the fuck is a furance?

how do you not know what a furnace is

its this thing stupid https://www.industryweek.com/sites/industryweek.com/files/uploads/2013/01/steel-blast-furnace-promo.gif

you got your tin, you got your copper, you put em in a furnace, boom dude you got bronze

Misspelling words and calling other people stupid. This guy is fawking killing for us today.

what did i misspell nigger, its spelled furnace google it lambchop

You spelled it furance in your original post hamhock, keep your head on a swivel


this exchange was worth nothing. lets go to paul in michigan PAULAAAY

it did establish you as an oblivious spastic.

this aint your show

this aint your show

The modern Opie takes a barrage of jokes at his expense from the Cuban and Friends. . .. it's because they all genuinely like each other.. unlike that shithole of a studio where the worm and Ant clearly made Opie a nervous wreck.

im responding to op saying tits acknowledged that he ruined the show with everyone around him having to walk on greggshells, even fucking patrice. stomped over people, stuttered his way into a garbage waste of time joke/non sequitor, SNOWAAAY, couldn't take a lighthearted jab even from the likes of bobby, i could go on for 200 pages. hes acknowledged none of that, which is what the faggot op was claiming

Now if only he'd put out a listenable podcast, then he'd really be king.


Until then, I can only see him as the least objectionable as opposed to good.

I'm enjoying the bit of Opie suddenly being good now and even find his latest little jibes on Twitter to be somewhat genuinely funny, but just take a listen to his podcasts and you'll see how terrible he still is and always will be.

Gregg has insecurities because of his mother, openly talked about it, and went to therapy to heal from it. The guy probably has a better understanding of himself with that and the help of this place. Turns out when you have a wife, kids, no vices, and no pedo evidence in your past you can turn into a pretty easy going guy

Opie can at least rest easy knowing they all suck ass at radio without him steering the ship

Why is nobody mentioning the fact that Opie has never been funny at all? He is without a doubt one of the least funny "shock jock" type of guys of all time.

We all know he isn't funny. We all still find Ant and Jim in the shows prime funny because they had expert timing and all the degenerates on this sub related to their degenerate behavior and frustration with life.

However, with where we are in the timeline, it's what have you done for me lately. The Cumia brothers have tried to suffocate this subs freedom of speech, going as far as vaguely threatening to use info gathered by compound media subscriptions to ruin people.

Jim Norton has recently become a lap dog for Sirius XM brass, including throwing Louis CK under the bus, despite the vague approval of sexual harassment being a cornerstone of Nortons comedy on stage and on air for years. Also worth noting he does a dumpster fire of a radio show with an autistic WWE employee

Opie, for all his faults, has never bad mouthed the pests despite being the victim of quadrupole the abuse Nan or worm ever took. His biggest crime was not being funny, as opposed to pedophilia, prostitution, and rape

Yeah but hes never provided any real entertainment value except for when you laugh at him. At least Jim and Ant have actually made me laugh before.Albeit, it was mostly years ago that they made me laugh, but still. I dont condone their degeneracy, but I do think they have brought me much more joy and laughter than opie ever has. Opie is just so boring and always has been.

Im actually not a fan kmof o and a. It was super boring and repetitive toward the end. Anthony sounded like he didnt want to be there most of the time. Opie was actually keeping the show decent with with talking bit ideas and fighting with management stuff.

So we making Opie happen now?

They're all weak links

Oh my how the tides have turned

His show sucks but at least it's free.

Well, good job Poirot. Those are all things he literally said on the show, multiple times, that he knew he wasn’t funny, he was the weak link, etc. That’s one of the reasons why it bothered me so much when Anthony and Jimmy used those things against him when they were all arguing after the firing. It was something Opie was aware of, even if sometimes his insecurity led him to talk about how awesome he was, how he has been doing it since he was 18 and so forth. When he was talking, delusionally, about his radio prowess, it was super annoying. But for the most part, people forget how many times he was self-effacing and admitted his flaws. He’s the only one that has ever admitted his flaws, and did so when he confessed his part in the animosity between him and Anthony. Instead of also being honest, Anthony used Opie’s dismay over the loss of friendship to make fun of him. Jimmy had clearly chosen sides, by appearing on the broadcast of someone who brutally made fun of Opie, and yet Jimmy tried to deny that he had selected sides, and that he cared about “both of his friends.” He lied, to Opie’s face, and everyone made fun of Opie for telling Jim, accurately, that he wasn’t there for him “that day.” He wasn’t. Everyone made fun of Opie for saying that he had heard some terrible things about Anthony. He had. Everyone called him paranoid for believing that everyone was out to get him, meanwhile everyone was out to get him. So when you tell me, sir, that you were taking a look at Opie, I don’t believe you. How does one take a good hard look at the sun?

Opie doesnt need to do radio anymore but he does it because he loves doing it. Unlike Nana who made a lot of money & spent all of it. He cannot help thou because he is a...........

He's living his life accordingly to his age, he "made it", he's a millionaire, has a family, raises his kids and does what he likes and when he wants to.

You won't see comedic genius from him, but you also don't see desperation, bottom of the well drunkenness and backstabbing drama 24/7.

The Opie redemption arc is the only way this can end.

He is a creative ZERO but he really did steer the ship well during OnA. When Opie wasn't there a lot of the shows would have them talking black crime stats or about trannies. They would also linger on topic for far too long so if that talking point was shit the entire show was shit.

You spelled it furance in your original post hamhock, keep your head on a swivel

Pitless, delightful

Yeah, but having a retarded kid is like having a puppy. They might shit on the floor sometimes, but they sure are happy to see you when you walk in the door.