Heard you haters were talking about me again, what’s the haps?

147  2018-09-24 by lolercakesmcgee


Jesus, look at those eye bags

Is Tendie Boy a little stressed?

That's what I was thinking. Looks like a man in contract negotiations. Maybe the worm doesn't like his cohost or his eggwhite sandwiches.

Butthole eyes

I remember he used to talk about how depressed he was. Excellent work, boys.

Stephen Wright?

"The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard."

Well Mother Nature didn't want this hyena abortion to breed but #mommy decided otherwise so she plied him with hgh and roids to help him make it through puberty. What's weird is that if you make a kid going through puberty take roids he/she will end up looking jacked .

Why go through all that trouble yet still end up looking like an albino somalian pirate on a dry spell after a cholera epidemic? https://oapedia.com/images/Sam.jpg

Steven Wrong.

Line of the day

Lets go to the callers


Come on let's go don't mess up the flow of the show, make your point.

We lost him, fawk. He had a good one, too.

Anyway, ahh forget it.. Burp.

i spilled entertainment remover on my radio career, and now its gone.

That's implying that his radio career was entertainment, you big gay faggot

hold your tongue

He probably pays his housekeeper a weekly stipend to shave his dumb face

This isn't even photoshopped, ladies and gentlemen.

i just vomited a little

Like, teehee, did you, faggot?

Right? I mean, Sam isn't handsome, but is he gross enough to make me vomit? I'm not sure. It's a tough one.

Gag me with a spoon

Looking like the bastard son of James Ellsworth and Clint Howard. Jesus, he's a fucking mess.

I had no idea a human could look like this.

I wouldn't be so certain that's human.

I believe the classification is Xenomorph

It's from the fluouride and chem trails.


Looks like someone took a paycut.

He's gonna dye the goatee part bleach blond to mimic Hollywood Hogan.

Nah, ol' alien head ass faggot nigger said last week that if negotiations don't work out he will go retard Pete Davidson post 9/11 style and dye his hideous receding afro bleach blonde and have those grotesque two widows peaks bleached pink. Let's hope shit falls apart next week.

This gentleman is vitamin deficient and bad at radio.

The hype is real. Ready for the film

Is Jim’s chin contagious?

Looks like his wife's mechanic grabbed his face when he confronted him.

I hope someone here fucks his wife

i clench my fist everytime i see a pic of this mong cunt, always hated the prick

Fat Steven Wright

Extra Chromosome Steven Wright

He should reprise Danny DeVito's roll qs the Penguin.

This is a man with a vitamin deficiency.

Kill it with fire

what the fuck is the that creature?!

"Kanye is the real deal."

He looks like when Cartland bought Scott Tenorman’s pubes and glues then to his face.

I guess it turns out eating like a latchkey 12 year old well into adulthood has it’s consequences.

A beard is supposed to hide a weak chin, not accentuate it. I'm truly puzzled.

That cannot be his real hairline.

he's dot loying

your forehead displeases me and your parents are not honorable people.

Looks he smeared shit on his face

The Last Neanderthal Broadcaster.

Lose 30 lbs, cut your hair to be very short at the least, and shape your facial hair you lazy cunt.

the fact that this fucking retard makes more money than I probably ever will in a year makes me conflicted as whether to shoot him first, or just myself.

He's like Richard Simmoms, Shane Vendrell, and a goldfish all in one.

Pic thieving ballbag.

Sam is going to be full time wwe personality.

He'll be fine, wwe cant get away with bullying anymore, he'll be fine.

What on earth will he look like five years from now?

Good job making Joe Dirt’s facial hair look cooler, stupid....go flick a couple coins into your mom’s cunt and see if she shits out something less pathetic...

His forehead is symmetrical to his chin.

He looks like one of thse flat fish with eyes on either side

he knew Ricky Gervais and Terd Kreischer were coming in didn't he? so he knew there would be at least photos and probably video. is it possible he sculpted this look purposely thinking he would appear like a nonchalant ruffian unphased by his disgusting appearance, or is he really so disgusting that if he forgets to shave for a day he looks like a test tube baby created from steven wright's sperm after it was felched out of a three-legged dog?

You guys..

Awww does wittle boy think he's a grown up with the beard.

Ugghhhhh faggot go die

He’s got that rough and rugged been in the woods a few days look. Very sexy

Sometimes I think the interns and people who work under Sam, who he constantly berates, post these flattering pics on Twitter, knowing Sam will be ridiculed to no end.