A brothaman can learn to cope with things like seeing Nana crawling up their leg with a knife in her teeth. But no one should be asked to handle this trip.

100  2018-09-24 by GorramTimebomb


Did you ever notice that there is not photo of the Opester that makes you think of grease and dirt unless a Cumia is on it too?

That's just not true.

We can’t stop here, this is fat country.

Oh what a surprise, Carl is one of those faggots who wears headphones in the car, as if his stereo doesn't do the job well enough. Then again, those are the noise-cancelling Bose, so I can't blame him considering who he's in the car with.

Our guys are headed for some light mischief

Carl is a faggot


They’re both titanic faggots

We were somewhere around Huntington when the road sodas began to take hold

And a voice was screaming: "HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON!"

Bam fucked Lynsi. No fault of mine

nice puckered lips and madonna hat there, wrinkleneck

What a disgusting fat slob

"This thumb was just up Opies hiney hole."

Umm. Is Carl wearing headphones while driving? Unless they are in the middle seats of a larger SUV?

Listening to the Opesters recent podcast, not.. terrible. He's still trying to make a bit out of stuff, forcing a few things.

The Mint Chocolate Chip 400

We're in the middle of a fucking reptile zoo...and somebody is giving IPAs to these goddamned things.

Carl’s lips look like someone glued two bicycle tire inner tubes to his face.

Someone aptly pointed out that he is clearly a Cuban Jew. Look at his nose, his lips and his dopey teefuses.

Carl reminds me of a stereotypical fictional jew but I cannot remember what from.

"We can't stop here, this is Nana country"

Guys in the OnA world seem to fart way more than normal. I let out some pent up, angry farts when I first wake up in the morning, and that’s about it.

I don't know That beach photo where he's holding up that fish made me feel dirty.