Date rape at the Compound

75  2018-09-24 by JustPooch


For context.

I don't know if mods deleted the first post, but this is literally screen caps of Anthony's public mobypictures page. Here is a link* (Last time this was posted, someone said their was a coinminer on the page, so click at your own risk if your stupid and don't have adblock.)

Hey guys isnt rape like sooo wrong? Check out this rape victim!!

Why you think they deleted it, stupid?

The last post just had OP's link and didn't explain where he got if from. People make fake images in this sub all the time and I was just clarifying that it was real.

Shut up you disgusting nigger with a flying saucer belly button. Your career seeking validation from faggot redditors needs to come to an end.

Hi ant

You truly are a dumb bitch aren't you?

I'm actually really smart 😁

No you aren't, you post naked pictures of yourself online with your face showing, and you have a kid, you stupid slut. I wonder why you aren't in a committed relationship?

On top of that your face and body are horrendous. Your tits make me never want to eat flapjacks again.

Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

I have 3 boyfriends and 2 kids, you lonely fuck

See? She’s definitely not a slut!

My point exactly

3 boyfriends, two kids, and abandoned by the father(s) of those kids, totally what every woman wants (along with your Incan peasant tits and mutant belly button), not a stable family unit with man who cares, is a role model, and provides for you all. I bet your "boyfriends" are totally smitten and committed to you as well. They must look like Big A on average.

And I'm not lonely, nice try with the hate, I have a girlfriend, friends, and family, and don't need reddit faggots to validate anything in my life. I come here to shit on reddit faggots and that's it.

“Incan peasant tits” - LOL

I lef my baby daddy. Get your facts straight

That's not an improvement, it either means he was a piece of shit, or you're retarded, or both.

Learn how to spell, nigger.

If he thinks this is okay to do and post online, what else has he done?

Shit like this 100% makes me believe (Danny's claim that Anthony raped a woman in Cleveland)[]

I was confused about Danny saying he was driven somewhere to make a statement...

It seems like a hard thing to forget, but my brain has been overloaded with various scraps of evidence of his pedo tendencies.

Dude. These Cumia beasts are an endless crop of despicable, felonious fruit. Look at the behavioral profile of this animal:

☣A drunken, racist beast who has BEATEN and FUCKED women against their will...

✔There is enough evidence to believe beyond a reasonable doubt - that he's engaged in PEDOPHILIC ACTS

✔written statements from current & former business partners & friends... texts, emails, reported police Report of Rape in Cleveland

✔Documented Social Media activity involving 14yo w/ braces...VINE

✔A separate incident w/ a Catfished 14yo girl...

✔Pictures of 15yo's in his pool, who were chauffeured to his dungeon by a registered sex offender (rapist) - where booze & pills were being consumed....

✔And now, ANOTHER revelation...the partially exposed genitalia of a clearly inebriated, unconscious girl.....who could be 14yo or older, sprawled in his dank, unsupervised movie theater.

He posts pic online - to boast. And taunt.

Why is he not in Prison??

Why are her undies slid to the side while she's passed out in the theater, if she hasn't been violated?

I assumed this was moments before drunkenly grabbing Danny and saying "I fingered a 14 year old in the theater!"

Isn't it a crime to even take a picture of someone in such a state?

Idk but its just as bad to keep reposting it in some retarded attempt to prove a point

Sometimes ya gotta do a little bad to do a lotta good.

Buncha rape apologists

Don't be jelly cause nobody wants to rape you.

That's the cops outside her homes job.

You're the one who wants it covered up. I will say it was fucking retarded to repost it without blurring the girl's face. But that just goes to further illustrate how demented our dear Nana Cumia is, was, and always will be.

Feed Nana

How can you apologize for an action that's commendable and good?

I'd like to think everyone on here apologizes for their rapes before it happens. We're not all monsters.

No, I'm a rape enthusiast.

Aren't they clearly saying Ant did some horrendous shit. Thats not being an apologist. Whateva that term means

Gotta break a few belly button sacs to make an omelet

The horror...the horror.

At the end of the day you see and hear things that aren't there, and your shitty fatherless mini rican coat hanger dodging sex worker offspring will also see and hear things that aren't there, what makes you think you have a right to speak?

Welp i guess posting naked unconscious girls without their consent is ok then. Carry on.

It is. I can have the gangstalkers provide you with a printed memo on naked drugged girl photography etiquette if you like?

Don't you have some stalking to be done to?

Women ruin everything.

It really is fucking gross that people in this sub have the nerve to criticize nana while still upvoting shit like this.

What a big fatso

Of course he goes for the ugly one. I want to violate the other girl in the pictures

You gotta go by whoever drinks the roofied bud light, it's a game of odds

This is how you can tell that Anthony is a legit ped. His fetish is fucking underage girls. Whether they're good looking or not is secondary. Why else would you blow off Nicolini and Stetten for the greasy hair bitch and ol' ET body. Because they are/look like children.

A picture of a girl Anthony is fucking is posted online, and she isn't attractive.


the fuck else.

is new.

I... AM FUCKING...this fat, passed out, teenage slob

*Spreads geriatric arms dramatically *

I like how all you five XL T-shirt wearing motherfuckers call this girl “fat “.

I can't wait until the entire bisexual Compound crew are sent to jail.

who iz dis bitch?

The grossest part of this is that he took these pictures thinking he was a total fucking player. He actually believes everyone secretly wants to hang out with 16 year old girls well into their fifties. Imagine the shit that they say about him the second he leaves the room.

Who dis bitch?!

Dude. These Cumia beasts are an endless crop of despicable, felonious fruit. Look at the behavioral profile of this animal:

☣A drunken, racist beast who has BEATEN and FUCKED women against their will...

✔There is enough evidence to believe beyond a reasonable doubt - that he's engaged in PEDOPHILIC ACTS

✔written statements from current & former business partners & friends... texts, emails, reported police Report of Rape in Cleveland

✔Documented Social Media activity involving 14yo w/ braces...VINE

✔A separate incident w/ a Catfished 14yo girl...

✔Pictures of 15yo's in his pool, who were chauffeured to his dungeon by a registered sex offender (rapist) - where booze & pills were being consumed....

✔And now, ANOTHER revelation...the partially exposed genitalia of a clearly inebriated, unconscious girl.....who could be 14yo or older, sprawled in his dank, unsupervised movie theater.

He posts pic online - to boast. And taunt.

Why is he not in Prison??

Nice knees, stupid.

Whats the purpleish bulge?!

I'll see you in the next thread 10-15 minutes from now.

Then dip. There are other slits on this sub.

Shoot or work?