This man has been funnier in the past four months than Ant or Jim have been in the last four years.

84  2018-09-24 by ProfessorChipperson


that looks like the face of a jock who just doesnt give a fuck anymore. I think I'll call him, the Destroyer

His plan was actually started in 2015 but we were too stupid to realize.

GOH has no plan, he walks the earth like Caine from Kung fu

I've been enjoying his recent trend of giving no fucks, even if I don't dig the show he does.

It must be refreshing for Opie to finally do a show without hearing the words: black people or she-dicks.

He’s not hearing the words black people? Did Sherrod retire?

Sadly, he is not only professionally active, but alive and well. Thankfully, though, he’s on the road to incarceration.

He also doesn't have to feign an interest in Sam's boring ass wrestling talk.

Fandango had a good bit tho

Dead wrestler clock, also a good bit.

I by no means listen every week or have a desire to listen but he's done a couple of good episodes that I have listened to. He's shown that he has at least the capacity to do a good show.

please name me one thing funny this oaf has said in the past 10 years, id love a good chuckle

He called Jimmy a dry drunk. There is one thing.

what a kneeslapper


i smell a hater

the fawkin nose knows brotherman, i coulda been a k9

He's being fed lines from some queers on here the way sam fed lines to bobo. Once in a while he tweets something to insult nana or the worm (usually some thing that fully applies to himself as well) and the fags lose their collective minds.

Shut your dumb mouth

Why? Because it's true?

Because you're gay

You are.

Nothing. A portion of this sub is just happy someone they hate less is attacking someone they hate more. They all sucked nanas dick when it was reversed.

yea its pretty pathetic and they know it

nice blouse stupid. lets see a little cleave

Is he taking his pulse?

You should be fucking ashamed of yourself.


Farting into a mic is more entertaining than anything that saggy titted loon has done in years.

I can't take this bit that far. Tappin' out.


He hasn't been funnier. But it's awesome that Opie is being a dick again!



Is All this Opie love a ploy to ingratiate him with this sub? Only to turn on him? God I hope so because tits doesn't deserve love either.


Funny is relative, but you gotta agree tha he has a better show than "sam and jim" and godawful "artie and anthony with whomever dave landau is and no artie"

no, he doesnt

The sad thing is this isn't even a bit it's just a fact.

No, he hasn’t. Knock it the fuck off already

I listened to the jim Florentine show. I actually liked it. carl is good. he is a better cohost than sam or Dave landau.

Said no one ever?

the fawkin nose knows brotherman, i coulda been a k9