What are your hobbies, other than bashing D-List celebrities

4  2018-09-24 by Virginia_Beach


Sucking dicks.

hey bro, i like that too. we should suck each others dicks some time.

You pozzed up?

Hey Joe!

I like play golf golf and have my salad tossed.

Asian porn, Go, and I like to do the NYT crossword every Sunday.

Japanese only. The rest are ugly

You actually play Go? Wow

What is Go?

The sequel to Went.

D list is pretty fucking generous.

i have 7 aquariums and plan on getting more

Ambitious. I’d love to have one, but I’d neglect it and kill everything in the aquarium

that's part of the hobby but then you learn and get more. eventually you figure it out. It helps take my mind off bullshit going on and fills my magalomania

When I was a kid, we had an aquarium but my mom only had it stocked with neon fish. Stupid little fish. They we like 10 cents a piece at the pet store. We weren't rich.

I make pizza. That’s my biggest hobby. Of course, I do other things, but since I got my new wood fired oven three weeks ago, it’s my only obsession

Sounds like neat hobby. I would assume you gain a lot of weight by doing it, no?

I made 8 pizza's yesterday for friends and family, and I'm was so damn busy with prepping the dough, maintaining oven temps, rotating pizza's every 30 seconds, cutting it up, that I usually don't even eat all that much. If anything, the weight gain would be from the beer I drink while socializing and making the pizza.

Here's two of the pies from last night: https://imgur.com/a/pgwJW6j

Looks like it's thick crust, but as you can see from the third photo it's actually thin.

That's pretty cool of you.

Looks great

Thanks , sir. Finally getting the hang of cooking with 1000 F heat.

I work at Panera Bread and do chores for my mom at her house. She will kick me out if I don't.

I'm currently managing several unsuccessful fantasy football teams.

None of my hobbies bring me joy like watching these absolutely devoid of self awareness losers continue to outdo themselves in embarrassing behavior and queer revelations.

I like to apply at random Family Dollar stores for jobs but only every 9 years.


I sometimes think about sucking a dick. But never do.

Part time moving n storage for my sisters father. Asking for free stuff

I like to stand in front of a mirror with tweezers and pull out my facial hair.

Hockey, fighting the urge to kill myself and trying to freeload my way through life by doing as little as possible.

I collect spores, molds, and fungus.

Just beat Dragon Quest 11.

I like yoga, business and shitting on Ant, hoping for his painful death.

Yoga is not for me. I run and lift, but fuck Yoga. It's hard and I hate sitting still.

You don't sit still in Bikram. It's hard as fuck

I can't hold poses for longer than 10 seconds and I'm extremely inflexible, which makes it impossible for me to do. I'd love to do it but can't / won't.

I was the same way. You sound like you would benefit greatly from it. But it's very hard to just finish a 90 minute Bikram class. 40 degrees c and 100 humidity. It's much harder than you'd think. Just did a class tonight and I was feeling sick for 20 minutes afterwards. I went has hard as I could. It's not a weightloss thing like running, but it's great for the soul. It just resets everything. I know everything Joe Rogan talks about is suspect. This is however for real.