We can’t let his continue to happen.

65  2018-09-23 by RBuddCumia


Nice bald dome.

Got his brother's face dents too

But racist pedophiles can enter into contracts

“Thank you.”

i vow to never be in a position in life where i’m thanking “señor taco”

Senor taco is my nickname for my girlfriends vagina.

aye caramba

It is also my nickname for your girlfriend's vagina.

Ya'll eskimo brothers. I would like to cum in this bimbo as well and join the tribe.

You don’t even have to ask

I didn’t


And by “girlfriends vagina” you mean “boy toys man ass”

I looked af my old nametag today from when I worked in hotels and said to myself I’ll go the Chris Kuhn route before I ever wear a nametag again.

Just imagine your highlight of the week was going out for mediocre Mexican food and you walk in and see this jamoke wincing while he plays someone else's music.

If i was in the northeast i would go on a clandestine trip to watch brother joe

I would too. I'd shake his hand and tell him I saw him at the Big Apple Ranch, wink, and walk away.

He's taunting us

Why? Because he finally figured out the linguistic difference between a tilde and a retiree?

Think he changed it to Señor from Senior because of us trashing him?


"He does this Clapton looping impersonation"

You could see how a white guy could fall for him.

"Look at me! I own a guitar, a microphone, and once a month I leave the house!"

Not pictured: Annoyed customers plugging their ears and asking management to turn Joe's volume way, way down.

Senor Taco is the Carnegie Hall of taco restaurants to perform at.

You know how you get there: child spit, child spit, child spit.

I see he got his fancy SOA shirt ironed for the big show.

I bet he was playing next to the door to the bathrooms.. His shit music would drown out the splatter shits from the mexi food.

Not that I am saying that this place has bad food... I am sure its good.

He’s inside and not playing in the parking lot. They must love him!

Looks like the corner of a mud room

"Is that bald dude like the only band guy?...aww bless he carried all his own gear in, someone should have helped him. Oh nevermind, he's taking a selfie. What a queer."

In the next episode of Sons of Anarchy...

Joe is the only guy that specifically asked the wait staff to make sure the cook spit in his food so he got the authentic taste of Mexico.

I hope one day I go into a lower tier Mexican restaurant and hear nothing but a grown man making a drum loop on a microphone. With the help of the DIGITECH loop pedal of course 🌚

"I was doing my rounds, y'know, calling the ICE anonymous tip lines to report each and every Latino establishment on Long Island for harboring illegal aliens, when I noticed senor Taco was looking for entertainment! Next thing you know I'm belting out "New Year's Day" and raking in 200 pesos and UNLIMITED TACOS AND TEQUILA! LIBTARDS!!!"

I don’t have anything mean to say. It’s just too sad. Wow.

You guys are messing with the wrong homosexual.