Joe's new Punk cover band

83  2018-09-23 by Der-Giftpilz


This wouldn't even be Black Flag's faggiest incarnation if we count when Rollins was the singer.

Comment of the month right here.

Thank you, sweetie. I so fucking miss the Thread Simulators.

People get all pissy when I tell them Rollins was the worst BF singer but it's an undeniable fact.

You don't think songs with lyrics like "Beat My Head Against The Wall" and "Can't Decide" work well with a vocal delivery something like a constipated William Shatner? Should've been Dez or Chavo.

Greg Ginn is a better father than Joe.

Slip it in

Joe always looks like he's just been stabbed.

You’re projecting again, Clam. It’s just wishful thinking on your part.

Who is deeper in the closet, Joe or Henry Rollins?

Rollins. Joe is at least enjoying himself at gay bars.

Brings new meaning to the song 'TV Party"

This band already exists I think

I haven't heard Black Fag in a minnit. That and Gayrilla Biscuits.


Circle Jerkoffs

Black Cocky suck your black cocky

Too bad it’s not Suicidal Tendencies.