Kuhn may indeed be “a disgusting human being”, as the mother of his deceased son asserted...

12  2018-09-23 by F_H_Rileys_MaitreD


...but for a woman to not be able to get custody of her kid (particularly from a guy like Kuhn), she’s got to be a real piece of shit.

My guess, she's also on some drugs. No/little education and employment, except for the brown belt in blowjobing.

As someone here pointed out before when she says little Qadan "saved her life" it means that she was/is a junkie.

Oh she was / is.

All right with the was/is!

Who was/is doing that?

he got shared custody in 2016. he went to court hearings with pictures of her using qadan's feeding trays as ashtrays

"Sources told NBC10 Kuhn had previously been arrested for credit card fraud, which cost him a job as a substitute teacher in New Jersey."

What an idiot this guy was

Little known fact: he was the teacher at Jersey Joe's/Kimberly's daughter high school.

I just made that up, but doesn't it sound like it could be true?

Its deff true

It's been an entire year since this guy killed his kid over a sound bar. Time flies.

So do 2 year olds.

I beg to differ, sir.

I didn't say they could land.

I stand corrected.

Nice job letting a mud blood blow inside your cunt stupid.

Was mud blood a slur before Harry potter? I can't see Rowling including it if so.

It wasn't but Rowling made it up because she just really hates Mexicans.

Ackshually, it refers to the presence of non magical blood in a magical family.

Nah, all the Harry Potter books are thinly veiled racist propaganda against Jews, Mexicans, blacks and Jews.

Go then, I'm listening.

The dementors are a scathing critique on gang violence in the inner city and not to mention she made all the bankers goblins.

The bankers are like 1940s propaganda, for sure. How do the dementors get to gang violence though? Soulless spectres sucking happiness out of people is hardly a drive by.

Sounds like a metaphor for women.

You've sold me on the series.

Gonna start reading it ASAP.

This whole thing is ultimately her fault and I'm not joking when I say that.

It's remarkable how women get a pass for fucking these deadbeat losers.

Does this bitch not realize how fucking stone cold retarded this makes her? Only realizing he was a scumbag once he had tried to kill you with a knife and launched your son onto the pavement makes you unbelievably stupid and dense. She should hide in shame forever for taking a load from that animal.

Vizio makes soundbars more intelligent than this dullard.

Stupid sluts always do that. One of my coworkers talks shit about her baby daddy not realizing how badly it reflects on her

She tried to get sole custody but the courts wouldn’t allow it.

This sub has let itself down. Allowing NBC10 to get the coveted Mackenzy Trievel interview. I offered a $10 Amazon giftcard to anyone who did this. I guess I owe NBC10 a giftcard.

I'm still offering 1,000 dollars in burstcoin to anyone who can get Ant's ex to do an AMA. That's a good solid 20 bucks!

-Chris Kuhn is a scuuumbaaag. -Any woman who would reproduce with Chris Kuhn is a scuuumbaaag. -The offspring of two scuuumbaaags will almost definitely be a scuuumbaaag, nothing of value was lost

Hear, hear!



Singel huh?

And you know she fucks

Who can get this woman for an AMA ? We need her.

I can't get on board with mocking the dead kid's mom, but feel free to pile on the broad quoted in this article, Diana Williams, purportedly "A family friend with strong ties to the father": https://nypost.com/2017/10/05/walmart-robber-allegedly-left-son-to-die-after-getaway-crash/

Check out this hot take: “I can tell you right now that he is in his own private hell, and he is going to suffer and hold on to this for the rest of his life,” Diana Williams said.

And this doublethink is proof that Kuhn was framed: “Nobody knows what was going through his mind. Not to excuse what he did, but he has a lot of problems. He had a lot of things going on in his mind.”

Which is it, he had a lot of things on his mind, it nobody can know the intricacies of Kuhn's mind?

"He was a perfect child".

Then why didn't the fucking dope buckle up?

She made these unfortunate comments in 2017, before she learned of the botched C_A assassination attempt on Kuhn's life for his civil rights advocacy.

Just look at her. How much better than Kuhn could she really do? I fucking hate obese middle aged white chicks who have the audacity to pretend they are too good for anything

Wow, I didn't know he used to be a substitute teacher... and he used the school district's credit card to rack up a ton of debt and was fired.

So he stole from a school and left his son to die in the street. He's a great man and we will miss him. In fact I think he should've had quadruple sole custody of his son.

To reiterate: Probably 90% of the time, a mother will be granted custody of her kid over the father—and that’s if he’s a normal, upstanding citizen. Kuhn was an unemployed drug addict/embezzler/petty thief. Can you imagine the dirt he had on her in court to get custody of the kid? Meth lab in the home? Running trains? Backpage ads? Severe mental illness? That broad must be horrible.

Sir, the only trains she was running were model trains that ran in a loop around the Christmas tree during the holidays for her bouncing baby boy. Except for days that 6-15 black men would come over to fuck her in the ass. Which was most days.

Besides ashing cigarettes (and possibly picking weed seeds/stems, I forget) on the tray of Qadan's high chair, she once set Chris to get jumped by a stranger in her apartment building when he came to pick Qadan up.

Who gives a fuck what a mudshark asserts

I stand corrected.