Why is there an entire board dedicated to crying about interracial relationships involving only white guys?

0  2018-09-23 by iWhoreSchortSchorts


They think all white guys are Anthony (black guy) and it's a pretty racist board if you want my honest 2 cents. It hurts my fragile white ego.

Who gives a shit?

Not a bad point but I wanted to suggest we add that sub's rule where you have to put your race in the flair to post there.

It is pretty weird that so many right wing, white nationalist types have asian wives or girlfriends. That's the only non insane point that sub makes though.

The rest is just insane. I truly do not understand how they can so sincerely insist on them not being racist at all.

the sub is about being raised by people who are racist against you--- for example racist white guys who have asian wives-- and the asian wives are with them in big part bc they are white and also many asian women are racist against asian men bc of some self hate. and the children, especially boys, are treated like full asian boys. so its from our experience a very toxic household to grow up in, bc its racist against us. we're talking about it with eachother, and hoping to make people aware of how harmful that dynamic is.

Do you have a toe trigger attachment?

I don’t know what that is

Just head on down to Ted's Imporium, he'll sort you out in a jiffy.


Come now Greggory don't be obstinate.

You’re so funny and I can’t believe you blame white guys that you can’t get laid. How pathetic would it be for a group of white guys to complain about white girls dating black guys all day every day? Because you’re basically just doing that.

OP sounds like a fag

You faggots all come off as whiny, possibly homicidal maniacs at the near mention of an Asian chick choosing a white guy who is better looking than you sniff the racism on your board is astounding.

but they aren't better looking lmao. If you think dudes like David Bond and Nick the Explorer are more attractive then I'm going to suggest you check in a mental health clinic.


The day I see a guy like David Gandy or Henry Cavill hands in hand with asian females is the day I jump off a cliff and kill myself.

Why are you entitled to Asian women?

your future son will be on r/hapas no doubt

Asian women like non-Asian guys because they treat them like an actual person instead of just a 2nd class housewife. Make/female roles in Asian culture are still pretty conservative and a lot of Asian women who grew up in the west reject that, while Asian men want to embrace it because it favors them. I have heard this from numerous Asian women.

Also, your idea that a racist white guy would want to marry a non-white person makes no sense at all. I've also asked numerous white racists about this.

Sounds a lot like blaming someone other than yourself for being an incel. Try to be more like the Korean boy bands, they get plenty of women of all races.

That’s the equivalent of someone linking www.stormfront.com/dating as legitimate material.

The NY Post? You might as well use Salon as a source.

It's almost like Nationalist aren't necessarily Racist....

They're all micro-dick manlets. Let them have impotent rage, at least. That and handguns for potential lulz.

When does that scenario ever come up?

Basically male hapas are whiny losers with an inferiority complex making excuses for why women aren't attracted to them

I don’t know what we’re talking about exactly, but the only time my masculinity would be threatened by an asian guy is if we had to craft a samurai sword or something along those lines.

Last time I checked racists were against interracial relationships