So this is what sober people do? Walk around the city together?

19  2018-09-23 by Dennyislife


Give Colin two shots of whiskey and he'll bitchslap Jim into next Thursday

Not ol' weak heart Col. Those days are over.

You take that back right now...

Yeah like Harry Met Sally. Everyday is a walk and talk rom com when you’re sober in the city

Hot town, sober in the city Back of my dick gettin brown and shitty

Put a hat on your head you never looked good with a stupid crew cut.

Then apply soothing frogurt to their abrased, torn pozhole. At least in Jimmy's miscalculation of normality.

ol shit eyes norton

Why are his pupils always dilated?

He’s peaking on tranny jizz

PrEP side effects

Their behavior seems slightly gay

2 for the Big Apple Ranch

I thought only drunk racist pillpoppers wandered around the city at night taking pictures?

Thank you brotherman. My cake has been improved.

I ingested some second-hand pot smoke walking by this bar, man. I started speaking gibberish and had to have Colin call me an uber immediately.

It’s Gennaro, you half literate dunce.

Col’s starting to look like my uncle who parked cars for a casino in Gary, IN his whole life.

Granted the uncle was probably only 40.