Morton knows Compound Media is pathetic.

8  2018-09-23 by theceilinistheroof

Lil worm says "I'm not going to give in to what they want me to give into" regarding Sirius' overly generous offer to keep him on payroll despite being embarrassed by his thieving, dead horse spin off. Then proceeds with "fawk yeah" .. You'd think Norton would use compound media as some leverage if it was a legitimate place to be, rather than a podcast Sirius doesn't even know exists. He isn't because it would ruin whatever career he has left.




That would be assuming compound could even afford to pay him anything. They busted their nut on that waste Artie.

They are the waste

Even if Compound Media could offer Jim more money than sirius, he wouldn't leave. The access to MMA fighters and z list celebrities is what Norton really values.