I'm not one of those fags jumping on the "lol I love Opie now!" bandwagon, but does anyone else legitimately not have a problem with anything in this video? Most of it is actually funny, and yes, especially the cake stomp.

1  2018-09-23 by PowerfulSir


All of those things are hilarious.

Cake is not good for anybody. Andrew would have been better with some carrots and bananas which I'm sure Opie bought for him from a vendor. He then tried to make a romantic connection between a shy young man and a nice lady. Lastly, he gave a girl with no hands money to get home on the bus. Making sure the money went into the cup and not on the filthy sidewalk.

She was milf of the day for the whole day!

Why did she hide behind that thing? Women are weird, man.

It's not a bit to those who can critically think. Gregg don't crack.

I laughed. And yet he is still carrying himself better today than Nana, Wurm or Link.

Handing out money and compliments.

What is with Opie and thinking Discomfort is inherently funny? I mean the only thing I have a problem with is the cake stomp. It seemed like the guy was trying to be nice to them and that's how they responded. I mean if even Ant thinks something is fucked up. Granted in context I guess the guy wasn't that devastated by it. Upvoted for Assman Piano. Link to the source for that?

You never listened to the shock-jock version of O&A? The Cake-stomp is faawking tame compared to what they used to do a couple of years earlier.

oh yea brotherman, like the Bra Bombing. That was out of control...

You never listened to them back then, did ya?

deep down in spuds' soul lurks the reality of an absence of any form of talent. to compensate, he reverts to the most base level of primal instinct. smash, stomp, yell. he is a lumbering ogre with autism.

This could legitimately get traction on one of those cringe things the internets got nowadays

Back when you were allowed to be funny in public. Kids these days are just so fucking sensitive.