Who the fuck would buy any of these rags let alone all three?

45  2018-09-23 by Fennian75


Two of those are far more relevant out of the three.

They've all been cast out to obscurity.

Out of all three, Ant is so disturbing visually that the photographer made him close his eyes, grit his teeth, put letters over his fake hair, put part of his face behind a bar, another part behind a microphone, and had him wear an extremely distracting orange.

That's true. Everything about him is creepy/rapey.

Why do THOSE people love to glorify prison life?

Black culture

Are they tho? Stuttering John is no better than Nana and Artie is a walking bloated corpse.

I wouldn't buy those if you took out the 49.

Frequently bought together, but not frequently bought at all.

$45 of that should go to Stern. I wouldn’t know who the fuck any of them were without Howie’s direct or indirect influence.

I bought Too Fat to Fish and it was good, Artie's second was just all "WAHHHHH". Basically he told stories that he didn't realize portrayed him in an awful light in condescending ways. Like the story where he was got drunk during a gig at the Playboy Mansion and fell and ripped his pants on stage then was angry that his assistant didn't immediately have pants booze and drugs for him, and lashed out by purposely wasting his time. Then he got wasted, threw up all over, looked like a fucking derelict and cockblocked his friends. What an awesome dude. literally he just totally lost touch with what made his first b ook popular and identifiable.

Those should cost $15 all together

That's still too much.

As horrible as Anthony's cover is, Artie's is way worse

Artie's prosthetic nose frames his face really well.

At my nambla meeting it was mandatory reading.

$50 will buy you two months of Compound Media access.

Decisions, decisions...

Sigh That's....that's a tough one man. Honestly.

If you told me Nana was a wax mannequin I wouldn't even blink an eye. Why is his skin always melting crayon texture?

Wanna bet was a fun read

When it is on Kindle for 99 cents I might find out.

Man, Ant's book cover really is a piece of fucking garbage.

Do these ghouls know you don’t have to put your haggard face on the cover?? Especially as a radio personally. No one is buying these books based on facial recognition

That's still too much.