Get ‘em, Rich.

106  2018-09-23 by RBuddCumia


Golf is for faggots.

He’s our faggot, faggot.

Sucking cock for drugs and money is one thing, watching golf is quite another.

I kinda miss when u used to post Anthony Cumia tweets. Now where am I going to get my black crime statistics?

Ahh the good old days.

Poor detected

When can I ter off?

Ultimate boomer sport. Cant wait til they all have to shutter.

Yeah sports are gay, fortnight ftw!!!

golf and fortnite are on the same level of sport

I wont blame anyone for playing them, but you're retarded to think it's a entertaining thing to watch other people do

Insinuating that anyone on this sub has the right to call what other people find entertaining is beyond laughable.

Youre kinda right

I shouldve just called it gay, cause theyre both pretty technical but also undeniably super fuckin gay

sportsball !!!

Hey! My boyfriend plays golf!

I'm on the fence with Chris Russo. Too much of a Brady fanboy.

Russo doesn't actually understand sports outside of baseball and tennis and doesn't bother watching anything else. That's why he constantly obsesses over announcers, ratings, primetime matchups, etc. Anything other than the games themselves.

I'm aware. Even though he stinks at being a well rounded analysis, he can still be entertaining with callers though.


Rich Vos just wants to play golf and perform at the Hoboken Comedy Festival September 24-30

Let's go to Rich in Piscataway, what's up Rich,?

“Here’sh da ting, OK?”

Ya Mike I wush wonderin when da Yanks were gonna bring up Al Beappearing.

Al Beappearing?

Al Beappearing at Funny Bones in Syracuse Friday the 28th.

What a paux fas!

Mike Francesa, and anyone who enjoys listening to him, is legit retarded

New York sports talk...I'd rather listen to Sam and Jim.

Mike is right. It's a horrible tournament no one gives a shit about that gets terrible ratings.

"tiger is playing the best in the game and he's not afraid to eat the coochie, right ladies"