Plot twist: Opie cucked Bam

13  2018-09-22 by AhOkayThen

Opie cucked Bam and stole his girl. Raising two Aryan children, while Bam is a bloated drunken divorcee.


i heard linzi and bam were set to be married but once opie came into the picture after a 6 month affair she decided to leave bam for Opie

Opie knows how to eat the cooch. Anthony won't do it because he doesn't like the taste.

isn't there some product out that will make it taste like cock?

another dude


Its true. The only time I've heard Ant speak of going down on a girl is after he's nutted so he can taste his own jizz.

Sounds legit

Opie truly has won in the end. Unbelievable. Who saw this coming?!?!

I heard Bam was abusive and Opie got her out of a bad situation, you know, cause he’s a good guy.

This is my narrative now