Joe's new band "Always was a Queen"

84  2018-09-22 by Der-Giftpilz


All jokes aside, I would go see a Queen cover band if they went by the name of Queer.


Tie Your Nana Down

Joe Curry has a top 3 most punchable face

Considering the other 3 faces he's next to there, I'd say he's the 4th most punchable.

Anthony would be fun to smack. You wouldn't put any real power behind it, wouldn't need to, it would just be hilarious to see the shock and terror on his face. He would probably burst into tears. Fred, it would be so satisfying to crack that big Jew beak of his. Joe would be the one that would fetch the hardest beating; it would be worth breaking a couple of bones in your hand just to fucking break his face - fracture his skull at the forehead, break his cheekbones, eye sockets - the whole package.

Of course, in reality, not a good idea to touch any of them. These are old men with health problems. The most likely outcome of punching any of them would be them dying of a heart attack and you ending up serving time for manslaughter.

That fucking face.

I want to break free!

Mama... just blew a man... Kneeled down and gave him head, made him cum and Nana's fed...

That pic of Ant is him trying to look like a creep, but there are tons of pics of him in his natural habitat where he's way creepier looking.

You got cum on your face Kid spit you taste Biting your hand all over the place Singing

We will we will dox you!!!

Even with a lead singer who died of AIDS, Queen is way less gay band than U2.

I see a little silhouetto of a man