Agree or disagree?

36  2018-09-22 by SteveTech74


I disagree. He should make a Destroyer documentary. But it should be more of an uplifting satire. The series almost feels incomplete without it.

Opie disowned his mom long time ago

As much as I thought I wanted an Opie doco, this has completely changed my mind

I disagree. I think Opie disowned his mother. You criticize Jim for taking shots at Louis CK. Opie did that with Colin Quinn and Rich Vos. Not to mention how Opie would take advantage of all of those retards on his show. Stomp on the homeless man's cake. A horrible co-worker that everybody who was ever around him hates. All of the people who worked with all of them hate Opie, and they don't hate Anthony. Opie's non stop lies. Opie being so thin skinned, he could shit on somebody, but couldn't take a joke about himself.

But it is funnier this way. To do a divide and conquer thing where we pretend to like Opie. That's the only reason these documentaries should be made. To be funny. There should be no political motives. No "Anthony is a bad guy" that's why I made these videos. Just because trolling is fun. And making a positive Opie documentary seems to be the funniest move.

They only hate Opie more because Anthony never offered an ounce of himself.

I agree but I can't help but think that some of the hate might be due to Ant and Jimmy talking shit behind the dude's back. Op might have felt isolated by that and took it out on everyone around him further cementing their hate for Op. Nana and Wurm would use that to make themselves look better and fake sympathize with them to further isolate Opie. Shit, this is coming across as defending Opie and that's not my intent. Opie was a jerkoff but all I'm saying is there could be been reasons why he was such a jerkoff to certain folks. Then again I could be completely wrong.

Opie wins!

"That's what Jim and Anth are: a bunch of cowards."

I staunchly agree.

In all seriousness though, it is kind of insane that Ant and Jim haven't been able to make a funny show together with Opie. They had amazing chemistry for years but at the end of the day, the Opester was clearly their rock.

Mixed feelings. A well produced Opie documentary would have some gems: his douchey early days in the business, his skateboard persona on WAAF, his ruining bits to cut to to callers or run a commercial, the fall out with Ant, O&J, the firing over filming on a toilet, etc.

Then again, we all know this story already and Opie isn't threatening to Doxx and shut down the sub. There is nothing really to be gained rehashing anything to do with Opie.

Personally though, Is love a brief but well done mini-documentary on Pat Tomlinson. Such a thing would create much drama and get an over the top response by the subject (after all, that's what makes all of this so much fun).

I think another issue is that all the Opie drama has been laid out countless times in video form by Ant and Jim, as opposed to tex based passion filled rants (like Joe's reddit/whackbag essays) which are easier to lose and also easier dissect in ways that make good content. That being said, an Opie doc could easily work given his emotional insecurity, his obvious lies about being poor to "relate" to other comedians, his anger towards Howard Stern that apparently no one else on the show felt, his firing over the Roland video, and him being the one (arguably) holding onto the past the most while chastising Jim and Ant for "not letting go of the old show." While watching Ant implode has made me more sympathetic to what Opie was going through, he is still a deeply flawed individual whose only saving grace has been his meek off air behavior and the Cumia brothers non-stop self destructive tantrums.

Fuck the opie praise for a min and realize he’s the biggest piece of shit out of the 3 of them.

Stop ignoring how his infatuation with viral videos lead to him fucking with a shit ton of homeless people because he thought it was funny, cake stomp, filming that paraplegic woman while handing a dollar bill and laughing. Shaving stalker Patti’s head, buying her a wig then days later screaming at her and taking her wig.

how can you ignore this shit?

Now wait a minute there sir. That was the actor Gregg Hughes who was merely playing the role of Opie. The actual man is kind and generous and takes care of his guys.

He has just has silly sense of humor.

make one and put it away for when everyone turns on the destroyer again

Agreed. Opie is the greatest entertainer in showbiz since Jesus.

the coward angle was funny

don't be a stage hog in the next week though, let the upcoming Sam doc sit and sink in when P drops it

I honestly agree with this in it’s entirety. Opie’s biggest fault was he was annoying and insecure. But that was mostly harmless. All the “shitty” things he did for the show, Ant and Jim were right there— and, both have done equally awful things. Jim fucked a drunken, possibly underaged, guest. And he did this in the show bathroom.

I only recently found out that Stetten was some girl who came in to blow an intern. I am mind-blown that Ant dated this girl for years after. Can you blame Opie for not wanting this girl in the studio on a daily basis? I could never have looked at that girl with a straight face ever again.

That was Mellinda, not Melissa Stetten

Since this comment i have found that either. Either way, can see why Opie wouldn’t want some show groupie in the studio as an equal.

I agree with Beign not doing a Opie documentary. Opie’s faults are boring and also have been exposed several times. We all know he’s isnt funny, and is narcissist, and has a weird obsession with Howard Stern. At the end of the day Opie is a decent man with a family, who made the best of his career. The other 2 guys have become such assholes because they never owned up to any of their faults. In one of the Ant Docs, don’t remember which one but Beign makes a good point, if Ant just played along with the Sue stuff, the fans would have embraced him, instead he high hatted the fans, which is why everyone hates the dude now.

Actually, I really don't care about the poorly attempted doxxing nonsense. It's the genuinely racist, woman beating (biting), predatory, faux gunslinger attitude that irks me. And he does such a disservice to responsible gun owners; I can tell you exactly where my .45 and my egg are at any given time.

Opie's "obssession" with Stern has a PR-sense to it. If you're trailing behind someone, always attack the number 1-guy. O&A did that and reaped the benefits.

Fuck no! Opie deserves his time to shine in the spotlight too. Don't let the faggots who ball wash Opie on a daily basis keep up their charade. Expose that fat titted buffoon for the retard raising cuckold step dad that he really is.

You seem like a diehard Jim fan from that worm documentary, it actually painted him from a sympathetic angle.

Do a positive 0pie documentary, it's the obvious choice.

opie killed steve c.

Opie's trashing already occured from 2014 to 2017, the documentary would just be a rehashing of info.

Its pretty funny to see that a lot of people have change their tune about Opie. I wonder how long it is before people turn again.

Jerky boys? What about the fuggin pepperoni boys tsss