Club Soda Kenny Sighting

6  2018-09-22 by Virginia_Beach

Leaving the Bill Burr show and guess who was working the merchandise booth. Talked to him for a sec, not very personable, just said thanks for coming to the show. That’s all I got.


Ha, ha! The hump is working a merch table ... nice career arc, faggot

Thanks for coming, VB.

Pretty much.

Did you tell him to feed Nana??

All lies . Bill Burr got killed by Illuminati for making to much ''hullabaloo'' and he was replaced by lookalike android with Bills mannerisms. {{ personality.exe /stop personality.exe /delete Nia.bat /insert {{

Should've taken a two-handed cell phone picture for us.

Eh, it’s Kenny. Lumbering, tall, big nosed fella with no chin. Was uneventful. The worst part was explaining how I knew who he was to my fiancé.

missed expectations huh.

id be the only guy ever in the history of comedy clubs who would spend the whole show heckling the merch booth the whole time.

whats he gonna do, have me thrown out? slam me with a comeback? omg id be so relentless. you just stay there in your dumb chair and sell tee shirts you doofy bitch. the whole show.

id spend madison square garden money on that ticket. hes the worst out of all of them.

Yeah, he would have you thrown out. Would say you are disturbing the show.

I’d do some creepy shit, like stand across the room from him, stare at him and blow him kisses.

yea what the fuck was that? I saw him peak his dumb face out before the show started at the altria. He was also the announcer for Dean and Bill