Opie embraces r/opieandanthony's #OpieArmy.

119  2018-09-21 by cbanks420lol


I've told him multiple times r/opieandanthony loves him and he always responds. Chad Hughes knows what's up.

tell him we're for real this time. the worm has turned and ant is a legit pedderist

He absolutely reads this place. His tweets about Jim are too damn good to be all his own, he's seen The Worm Has Turned at minimum.

Piss off dude, the guy has been broadcasting since he was 18, he knows how to communicate with the people on Twitter

I apologize, I'm just in shock at how much he's been stomping everyone's cakes.

Thats ok man, I just get very defensive when I hear even the faintest whiff of criticism of our lord Hughes.

i always gave him credit for handling the hate the best

He said in a FB live that he watched the doc.

Sorry for having fun at the expense of your tits Opester.

We are all blessed on this day

this bit is getting carried away beyond the point of no return. stop it now before its too late. tits is a talentless fat titted faggot

The sub has passed you by, brothaman.

Opie was always nice and grateful for his fans. This doesn't suprise me at all.

Suzuki or whatever gook name it was that started the OpieManiacs hashtag was before their time.

Like betas watching anime then pillowfucking their favorite characters, those nips are always ahead of the curve

I think her name was keksuki, she was a good egg. she was completely right about pop up shows revolutionizing broadcasting.

I'm developing a nighttime attitude.


Powerful Gregg Hughes. Protector of children and trucker's life savings.

I hear Opie gave Sarah Silverman cervical cancer.

That's Opie for , always doing God's work.

I heard he cured it.

I really wish he would do an AMA. I think he's got some good behind the scenes stuff and I would love to hear about what was going on with management and Anthony those last few years if he would talk about it.

Brotherman only hits in self defense. At the end of the day he has a beautiful house, a beautiful wife, a son and very special lil' gehrl at home to look after.

Yeah. I kind of think we would never get a true look. I think he will always cover for Ant to a degree no matter what Ant does to him.

The big dog bringing in the big names!


Why not The Brothermen?

Holy shit

Air Budd Dwyer is a great bit.

Like betas watching anime then pillowfucking their favorite characters, those nips are always ahead of the curve

I think her name was keksuki, she was a good egg. she was completely right about pop up shows revolutionizing broadcasting.