The fake Opie love has morphed to genuine admiration (comparatively)

86  2018-09-21 by lawyerherelistenup

Turns out he really was a ship steerer. At times, we may have disagreed with some of his moves, but now that we have seen the alternative...

He thought Jim’s characters were played out. Apparently Sirius agrees and is telling Jim as a CONDITION of his new deal, enough with Chip already. Probably Uncle Paul too.

Opie did not want porn stars on. Thought it was too 90’s. He was right.

Unchecked, Anthony cannot stop talking about race. Opie made Ant bearable.


And we took him for granted

A'men brother



*t-shirts available at

Best breakbeat ever!

We were once blind, but now we can see.

Opie has big tits

He could have been a bra model.

Yes he does, big beautiful radio tits

You're gonna besmirch a man's name just because he could nurture a sickly fawn back to health with those big beautiful tits of his?

Get the fuck outta here.

Lmao at least opies tits are from the stress of taking care of his family.

Ant has tits from bud light and cannolis. Jim has them from letting a viking pump estrogen in him

opie is the greatest off-air talent in the history of on-air talent

Brothaman made his plays silent. Hes cool with the assists he dont need the glory

He is the least reprehensible of the hosts, but he turned into the biggest attention whore of the 3.

I remember really starting to dislike him when he more or less admitted that he didn't step up and fight to keep Ant from losing his job. I thought it was a pretty shitty thing to do to one's partner of 20 years. But now I get it. He'd never actively try to get Anthony fired, but he was just tired of all the bullshit and he just didn't have it in him to defend someone he knew was so awful.

Near the end of O&A Opie was probably seeing that the bilge pump in Ant's head wasn't keeping his brain dry anymore.

It takes great courage to stand up to racism

He didn't want him fired, he jsut didn't want to be the a fucking babysitter to a grown, piece of shit human.

To be fair if he accused ant of being a legitimately racist rampant pedophile tranny lover about 4 years ago with no proof he wouldve been laughed at.

Guess we should have trusted the opester when he said trust me. This is opies me too story

I think everyone would've believed Ant was legitimately racist.

would you defend a pile of garbage from getting picked up on the street? You’re sorry to see it go, but no use arguing with the dump truck. Human garbage is human garbage.

I would really like a deeper look from Opie on this at some point. I want to know what the years and conversations leading up to that incident were like. I don't think Opie wanted him fired but I think there is a good chance that he knew there was nothing he could do or he was just tired of the battle over it.

The difference between Opie and Ant/Jim, is that Opie is actually interested in producing a show. Ant and Jim think they can just wing it and put zero thought into production and planning.

Does that mean Opie is always going to make the right call? Hell no, but it's something instead of nothing. Look at their current projects. Ant rolls out of bed at 4pm to watch YouTube and Livestream videos with Landau. Jim does nothing but sit around, when he even manages to make it in, while letting Sam recreate his awful night show. Opie on the other hand is at least trying. He hustles to get good and interesting guests, he goes to interesting places, fuck, he's singlehandedly creating the podcast motif.

Fuck Ant and Jim.

Agreed. He is at least trying to do something different. Or trying to prepare and plan something and put effort into it. It was always known that Opie was "the boss" and later on, Ant and Jim acted as if Opie just assumed that role and they were willing to do some heavy lifting. Now we know that is not true.

Opie was the boss of O&A because Nana & worm were both admittedly proud that they didn't have to make any behind the scenes decisions or talk to management, you know the shit that a boss does.

Ant rolls out of bed at 4pm to watch YouTube and Livestream videos with Landau.

Is that what it's come to since his Twitter ban? Last time I watched his show ages ago he was doing 30 minute Twitter recaps. His show prep was basically compiling & showing off his favourite tweets he made the night before.

Ant and jim both think their shit personality is enough so they dont need the effort.

Of course Ant & Jim think they can just wing a radio show. What show prep did they do for the O&A show. For all the talk about O&A having no format and being a "hang" (yuck) Ant & Jim literally sat there while Opie fed them the topics to riff on whether it be a news story, youtube video etc. I'm not going to do any revisionist history because Ant & Jimmy were great riffing on shit, but literally when it came time to do any show prep, it more or less was Ant talking about black crime stats or some video of a black person acting ignorant, or Jimmy talking about fucking tranny's or doing his characters. As much as Opie got flack back in the day, without him "steering the ship" aka running the show, the result would have been what you see on J&S and TACS.

I remember Jim's fabulous contribution of "Tango and Cash" clips.

opie was and still is the worst, by far

The original Patrice and Ant bit where Blade goes to jail was like 20 minutes long before Opie ended it. The animation was fake news!


No, he sucked and still does.

fawkin hater. Go do something with your life.

Will do Mr. Hughes.

get bent four eyes

I take credit for this ship getting steered in the right direction

you can donate to my to show your thanks

You don't always have to agree with the Captain, but you still have to respect him.

We remember all the times he cut off a decent bit prematurely, but we easily forget all the times he cut off Anthony's endless repetitive rambling about politics or minorities, or turned a shitty boring interview into something entertaining by being an asshole or taking calls from assholes.

I remember him cutting bits short as well. But I also remember the 'nopie' shows where good bits sputtered horribly for about 10 minutes before they actually moved on.

At least he made sure there were bits. Ant and Jim talk about 0 interesting topics.

Opie was manipulating the love

Giiiiivvvve yourself a bell!!!!!!

Starting to become evident what his contributions were.

No...Opie is a piece of shit, and this sub's ability to overlook the million incidents with this fucking guy is disheartening.

I will however concede that Opie's quality is being a ship-steerer, just not a very good one. Bennington made a better ship-steerer than Opie ever did. Is he boring? Sure. But all ship-steerers are inherently boring. Bennington at least has the personality to know how to talk to people, and there in lies the difference: OPIE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO TALK TO PEOPLE. He never has. Every relationship in his life has been based around whether you either depend on him or not, whether he can manipulate you or not, or whether you are just dumber than him or not. So working with hosts or brining in guests and having an evenhanded and interesting exchange is something he could never wrap his mind around. People are acting like he's a god now, but I defy anyone here to listen to his podcast, find something you genuinely like about it, and try to find that very thing engaging in the same way for an extended period of time. You won't find anything. Not because I'm right, but because there just simply isn't anything TO like. There was a lot to like about O&A, but there's nothing to genuinely like about their solo stuff.

I still don't understand why we cant hate all of these men equally. We have the capability.

everyone knows opies still the worst, this subs just going with a shitty ironic "team opie" bit. its shitty because of how unbearably awful opie is. i cant even ironically join in.

I still don't understand why we cant hate all of these men equally. We have the capability.

No offense but that sounds like some fucking commie gobbily gook

The grass is always greener as they say.

However some grass is also a woman beating pedophile or a cartoon ardvark while other grass is just a cool radio guy


My point it: Lets just put ALL of them on the mantle together, and hate ALL of them equally.

could ya speak up sir?

So, we don't see him as a, 'Torpid Sloth' anymore?

the "opie rules" bit is shitty irony.

A million people could've done his job. But there's no denying Jim/Ant are insufferable without him.


Opie is the Eisenhower of the show. Montgomery (the Worm) and Patton (drunken loudmouth) need the attention, but Opie Eisenhower just quietly and humbly leads the troops (his listeners) to victory.

the scales have fallen from mine eyes

We cannot forget that how bad his awful show with Jim and then Sherrod was. Sure, they all needed each other to be kept in line, and Opie may be the purest person involved, but when left to his own devices he's shit too.

At least he was trying to do something different.

Colin Quinn is too fawkin cerebral for our show.

Opie wins
