So does this mean that Joe actually has AIDS after all? He did get a positive result, but claimed it was a false positive

10  2018-09-21 by David_Tosk


Scientifically speaking, yes. All fags have AIDS.

a week ago i posted joe has quote 'an asshole full of faggot nigger aids'

im am a prophet

You are like a modern day u/opiesucks

Noooooooo, definitely not. Medical tests these days are notoriously unreliable. They’re also only run once with no double checking before reporting back to the patient that they probably have a life-changing condition like HIV/AIDs.

AntH was right. It was just a little goof about by those wacky lab techs.

AIDS drugs are known to lower IQ and cause gynecomastia...another strike against Joey FlopTits

Basically 90% of people with AIDS got it from having their dook punched. I know because I'm a doctor

False positives on a AIDS test is very rare and running a second one is routine when a positive result is presented.

You are like a modern day u/opiesucks