Masstagger is collecting tags from both /r/opieandanthony and /r/Cumtown

12  2018-09-21 by Panaeva


How do I find out if I'm being tracked?


'blond piano-playing idol who the ladies all adore!' Ahhhh for the more innocent days of yesteryear!

Hate speech!

It's currently unlisted. I guess he hasn't collected enough tags to make it public

I thought Cum Town was pretty apolitical or even left leaning how the fuck did they get on there? 'Hate' is really just becoming anything where men get together and talk shit.

It's a show co-hosted by a Jew and an African immigrant that's slightly to the left of Chapo Trap House (most of whose hosts have been on the show).

So, yes - definite hate sub.

Probably pissy chapo fags doing it

lots of fag/retard/nigger usage is enough for these retards to tag it

Whats masstagger?

Apparently it's a plug-in that allows faggots to track people who post in 'hate reddits' so they can report or block them or something. Gay!

i use it to track mde and chapo fags


gay fags

I love MDE

ye but a majority of the users of the sub come from /pol/ cuz of the twitter->reddit funnel sam made by linking r/mde in his twitter bio, now they are fagging up other subs with their statistics and unfunny raceposting

An application that tags users who post in hate subs

welp, im included as well. fucking faggot tagging bitch


For mobile and non-RES users | More info | -1 to Remove | Ignore Sub


Tag this you nigga ass trick

This is bullshit. You all know me as a friend and all round good boy, and this sneaky jewbot is taking my words and twisting them.

What's the point of this site exactly?

The Reddit Masstagger is an online tool which tags far-right reactionaries automatically, helping users to identify concern trolling and bad faith arguments

It also tags TERFs(trans-exclusive radical feminists) and white nationalist subs

Guess I'm a far right reactionary like our boy Antho.

What does this mean? I'm dumb.

Commies are making digital lists of anyone who isn't a hysterical marxist and keeping a database of people with the wrong opinions, because everyone's a Nazi and laughing is verboten, but they're totally on the right side of history

This humorous post cuts a little to close to the truth to be funny.

I feel closer to a jew than a nazi in this scenario. Give me my gold star I guess.

And fat and Scottish

I'm just husky man. Stop being cruel.

A diet of IRN-BRU and crisps doesn't make you "husky", #FACE

Oh, Louiscuck.

Yeah, because that faggot is this verbose and understands northern English culture/slang. Are you really this much of a doylum? You've used "hurrr ur someone else" 3 times now - I think it's because you know you are clearly outmatched so it's the only thing you have left to say. I'm done with you now, back to obscurity

No it's because I really believe you are, he's a one note autistic retard too. You seriously described yourself as verbose? Jesus you are sickening. Plus the fact that you avoided the issue the first few times I asked, using your genius IRN-BRU jokes. How have you outmatched me, in your opinion?

i unapologetically and non ironically post hate speech every day because its fun and funny

come at me you fuckin poop pirates

He's got receipts

how do you see if your on this list?

holy shit, they flagged be for calling u/sams_seed a ho lol

Oooh that was a good one i missed it

I got flagged for saying in Africa no one would consider you black :(

Where's the lie though!?

You hear that everyone? Im just as good as you now! Where do they issue those white supremacist cards?

Whao whao whao slow down there, I never said anyone would consider you white either. Don't get all uppity .

typical, asking for another hand out from da mayos

I was tagged for some pretty weak ones. These guys are silly.

I just looke at all of the posts I'm tagged in on there and they aren't even bad. Whoever tagged me should at least go through my history to find ones where I say faggot and nigger or something, jeez.

No one has the time or patience to look through your post history

I'm just saying, what's the point in tagging a bunch of innocuous posts that have nothing to do with hate or politics. Also, anyone who is tagging people on this horse shit definitely have too much time to waste.

If someone clicks your flair, it'll take them to your tagged posts. It really isn't necessary to curate the list of users tagged.

It couldn't have taken him long to create this, especially since he was building off of . All he did was create a program that adds tagged users to a database and displays a flair next to their name.

I dindu nuffin!

A shout-out to the morons who act like there's a group of people that curate the the list of users tagged

i cant figure out what they are flagging in my posts

i said jim is a sub and they flagged that

this bot is a pleasure model for men if you catch my drift