At least Jim knows in a month he will have nothing left except “Chip” his retarded ripoff

12  2018-09-21 by peopleforgetthat


Remember when Jim thought he would be the boss and run the board, but he had to come to the realization that he cannot handle the responsibility?

Hee just wants to edge to trannies, which i'm all in favor of, but I don't have a radio show with responsibilities.

It must be a weird vibe in that office, wondering who else they are going to let go when they pull the plug on the show.

I have a hard time believing Jimmy ever thought he could be the captain of the ship, I think it was more he didn’t have a choice.

He got put into a hard spot, a spot so hard a worm couldn’t even wiggle out of it.

Chip is also tanking though. Episodes have less than half the views they had a year ago. He'll have to go back on the road and be funny, but his stand up always sucked so there's that too. Opie wins again.

Throw some numbers out. I would look it up myself but I'm 1) lazy and 2) stupid

Nice lethargy, stupid. YouTube shows he started out with 100-110k for the first few months then it's been a steady decline ever since. He's now between 30-40k an episode. You could leave his latest EPs up for years but they'll never go much beyond 50k.

Good to hear thanks

Is the Worms entire wardrobe Thrilla in Manila hoodies?