You were the funniest out of everybody...

3  2018-09-20 by crookedmile


What kind of a faggot takes pictures out in public?

Can't wait until he gets slapped around by this guy and goes on a RETARDS AREN'T PEOPLE THEY'RE SAVAGES rant about how unprovoked it all was.

Fuck this guy for harassing and mocking some dude just trying to enjoy a game and not get perved on by a tranny fucking gambling addict.

I called him a r3t@rd BECAUSE THATS WHAT HE WAS

E-rock, pull up the retard crime stats will ya'?

Yeah I love taking creepshots of retarded people to mock them online. What a fucking worthless person.

Nana is a legit piece of shit. I will gladly make fun of retards and laugh at retard jokes but this tard is just trying to watch a game he doesn’t understand and this old faggot needs to take a fucking creepshot and post it with a middle-school level joke. Fuck him

Exactly. Opie wasn't off when he called him human garbage. It takes a special piece of shit to do that.

Someone report this monster

At least he doesn't fuck trannies you old leathery faggot

To be fair, you don't actually know that

He's more handsome and probably makes better life decisions

Im withh anthie un diss won

I'd expect better seats from a millionaire.

I’m I the only one who legit chuckled at this?

Have we lost our minds in here, Sirs?