Hi there, I’m brand new to this whole culture, I’d like to give a brief thought on Anthony.

0  2018-09-20 by Ion_12

I first learned about O&A after hearing about it on Cumtown, so I thought I’d get into it, and I’m particularly fascinated by Anthony.

My brief assessment is that if his father hadn’t treated him like absolute shit and fuck with his son’s sexual growth, Anthony probably would’ve grown up to be a well adjusted conservative bisexual man.


I mean with the race shit, I’m a big fan of MDE, so I can’t really call him out on that, but I think a lot of his sexual shit would be more well adjusted.

MDE refugees get out


MDE refugees GET OUT


You can be a fan of the comedy without being a part of their subreddit, I mean shit, even big lefties like Anthony Fantano are outspoken fans of them!

It's incredibly cringy to virtue signal how big of an MDE fan you are.

Hey boys, don't worry I'm totally hip to the whole hating blacks, jews, and fags thing!

I’m not virtue signaling anything lmao, I’m explaining my background coming into it and you just came completely hostile at me out of nowhere fren.

Nobody I’ve brought up in here outside of Anthony hates anyone my dude.

Any MDE refugee caught preaching MDE bullshit is executed on sight.

I'd spend a couple months in the minors before you try swinging a bat in the big leagues again kid. Back to cumtown with ya.

Why are you being so weird about radio show culture? Ut’s Odd.

I'm genuinely not trying to be weird dude, I'd tell you if I was. I don't motherfuck people like that, honestly.

Extreme Gate Keeping is pretty weird when you’re talking about radio shows fren, if you had an issue with it you could’ve literally just not said anything, I was simply saying that I can’t criticize Anthony for his problematic shit because I am a fan of other problematic creators like CT, LOS, MDE, etc.

Oh Jesus he used fren instead of friend again

Quicker to say and sounds nicer

good for you

MDE is for faggots

Nick Mullen isn’t a faggot

Racism fucking rules. High five

Listen if people from Chapo all the way to MDE fags can enjoy the comedy, it’s clearly a stand-alone thing.

Unlike blueberries.

Feed nana

Unlike blueberries

well done, madam


The fuck out. Now.

This weird gatekeeping is 4chan level!

Everyone else is welcome. Just not you.

Lol you’re gatekeeping for a defunct radio show who were all bigots at some point, but it’s ok, it’s a comfy little culture.

The fuck out. Now.

No! ;)

I'm King of the Sub now, you don't get a say.

Royalty didn’t end well in France or Russia fren! Although I’m genuinely curious about your hostility. You do realize that the overlap of the fan bases are giant right?

You're a peasant. I don't expect you to understand. Stick with you life of toil, don't try to be something you're not.

I mean acting high and mighty in a sub like this is really the meaning of acting like you’re something you’re not.


Well I mean if you blocked me you wouldn’t see my posts correct?

Shhh. Just go along with it.

You ok fren? I know you seemingly don’t like me but I hope your day goes alright.


Shhhh I promise I can try to make it all better.

Fuck off faggot.

No such creature.

Maybe if your father hadn't treated you like shit, you wouldn't be here engaged in such faggotry.

He did turn me half gay I guess

Suicide, now, do it.


Seriously though, catch yourself up or fuck off.

Uh well here’s what I got so far.

Anthony is talented but self destructive and hypocritical

Opie is a habitual liar but talented as well

Jim Norton is extremely two faced

Sam Roberts is a leech

Joe Cumia is mostly useless

Colin Quinn is perfect

Anthony is was talented but self destructive and hypocritical

Opie is a habitual liar but talented as well

Jim Norton is extremely two faced

Sam Roberts is a leech

Joe Cumia is mostly completely useless

Colin Quinn is perfect

Well I’ll get there lol

Ty fren

Cumtown? I'd rather listen to NPR

You don't like the constant laughing that fat fuck waste of space does? I tried listening to Cumtown and enjoy Nick and that's it, couldn't get past those two unfunny faggots.

The worst thing about podcasting is anyone who gets a laugh at a bar with life long friends thinks their wit should be polluting the internet.

All the Nick Mullen dicksucking here made me give it a shot, I can't. I just can't, Stav is literally unbearable.

Don't linger longer.

Ty fren

Oh Jesus he used fren instead of friend again