MANDY is fucking sick. Go see it.

4  2018-09-20 by TangerineReam


Beautifully shot. But the pacing was way too slow.

I didn't care about that as much, only because the wild schlock and performances were great. Plus you're looking at pretty pictures the entire time. Yes, thin on story but revenge films are a one-trick pony anyway, and it didn't matter because the payoff was there. Plus Nic Cage seems like he actually wanted to act here.

It wasn't as good as Brawl in Cell Block 99

Is it fucking sick bro? Sounds sick.

It's garbage. Like someone wanted to imitate David Lynch. Who himself has become garbage aswell.

Didn’t like the new Twin Peaks?

I don't like watching cirklejerks. Or in this case, David Lynch jerking himself off.

Den of Thieves is a good one.

I watched it twice, it’s fantastic. Felt like a mixture of Hobo with a Shotgun and Holy Mountain. The practical fx were perfect and weren’t overdone.

It was great all around

It was the best thing I've seen in a long time.