New documentaries?

3  2018-09-20 by yamuddahscuntthen

Who are the subjects of the next documentaries that are already in the works? I don’t want to clash with beige or porsalin, but I’m vurry interested in starting a new doc or doc-series. My current ideas are a hit piece on Sam, Downfall of Sex Bagel Erik Nagel, Danny’s descent into delusion and alcoholism, or the Evolution of chip.

Let me know what you’d be interested in seeing, and if you could get porsalin or beige to answer as to who is lined up next, would be appreciated


I do believe Porsalin has expressed interest in doing a Sam one, as well as a Bobo one. Beige thinks the next Demented World video will be the last, not sure what happens after that.

Maybe we can have some dinner and maybe kiss


Porsalin is working on Sam.

Contributing to others' currently ongoing work might be the best use of your talents.

Fuck Chip. If I see a documentary on him I'm done

It would not be a positive take on chip

I'm working on a doc about the rise of the o and a pests and how we invented viral marketing. Hoping to score an I get interview with general bam.

Louis should be the next documentary

Fuck Louis in his fake white Mexican ass

Lady di. She has the best story of the lot of them.

im working on a club soda kenny one. It pulls no punches and hes gonna be mad when he sees it

How dare you attack club soda Kenneth while also going behind the subs back and dming the worm

i already apologised for that and trust me the lids gonna blow off when i show u guys what ive been doing its gonna be even meaner then the jimmy doc

You are as bad as Loouis

i know i suck and im fat and ginger i should just kill myself

Aside from the Sam one in the works there isn’t any other. You should do whatever you want. You could even cover Jim or Nana again on a more focused topic.

I think beige is doing Jeffries.

I'd be interested in that. I haven't followed his decline very much, only caught drips and drabs here.

Bick bickerson requiem of a douche should be ur new project

I have two definites coming up after Sam -




- 'Opie and Anthony Freaks' (feat. bobo, lady di, david, big a and patti)